Madang Province

Election Petition 95 dismissed

Presiding Judge, Justice David Cannings wholly dismissed the case on grounds that the petitioner failed to prove his case to satisfaction.

Justice Cannings further stipulated the 7 reasons that came down to his decision;

Disaster evaluation on Karkar

The PNG Defence Force has provided two choppers to transport the evaluation team and assist in data collection. Karkar Island also reported incidences of damage. These have been captured.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) have offered the use its data collection tool, Displacement Tracking Matrix, which captures geographics, geolocation, inclusive of disability, women and children, as well as health education, security and other vital data. The data will be shared with the relief assistance team.

Earthquake assessments underway

Defence Minister, Win Daki, was just in Madang, along with defence personnel, to discuss the extent of damages.

Accompanying them were Members of Parliament for Bogia, Middle Ramu, Rai Coast, Madang Governor Ramsey Pariwa and vital stakeholders.

Minister Daki’s team will head out to Rai Coast today to capture damages caused by the series of earthquakes and tremors. The group arrived in Madang late Monday and spent the next day in meetings with stakeholders on how much resources will be needed to address the devastation.

Gov’t extends support to quake victims

Prime Minister James Marape expressed his heartfelt sympathy and unwavering support for the people of Madang and neighbouring provinces severely impacted by the devastating 6.7 magnitude earthquake that struck on Saturday evening, October 7, 2023, with its epicentre located at Basamuk in the Rai Coast District.

In response to this tragic disaster, Prime Minister Marape has taken immediate action, swiftly mobilising relevant government departments and agencies to assess the extent of the damage and the number of individuals affected.

Pariwa keen on moving sports

Governor for Madang, Ramsey Pariwa when closing the Momase Regional Youth Games, said from next year and onwards, a budget will be set aside for sports in all districts.

This comes as a pathway for change in Madang for youths to embark on.

Pariwa said not only can sports decrease law and order issues, but through sports, SMEs, cultures and tourism is promoted. He encouraged youths to take up sports in each of their districts.

Regional youth games end

The closing ceremony also coincided with the lowering of the game's flag and handing over to the next host, the Highlands region.

Finally, a wrap into the Regional Youth Games, with Madang Governor Ramsey Pariwa closing the ceremony.

The games were considered a success as Madang, although known for high petty crimes and the ever-increasing crime rates, took care of over 400 athletes and officials who came in from the other three regions and Port Moresby.

Churches reminded

Sumkar MP, Alex Suguman, said this during the official opening ceremony of the 15th National Pastors and Evangelists conference of the Evangelical Lutheran of Papua New Guinea, hosted by ELC Karkar District at Anul Lutheran High School on Karkar Island, Madang Province.

Suguman said the government acknowledges churches’ contributions and wants them to do more to address the social decline, including law and order issues that are affecting communities.

Going rural to go global

This is in line with their new policy and motto of “Going Rural to Go Global”. The aim is to identify and develop raw talents that are hidden in the rural areas of the country.

The regional youth games for Momase kicked off yesterday in Madang. This is the second regional game after Milne Bay for Southern Region which was held last year.

Athletes were told that this new pathway will create a platform for hidden talents within the rural areas to be identified.

Regional Youth Games begin

District teams from each region marched proudly into the Laiwaden Oval in Madang by processions of cultural groups. The participants will take part in soccer, rugby touch, basketball and volleyball. Also included in the games are the para-athletes.

Jason Peter the Miniter for Community Development & Religion, officially gave his keynote address and opened the Games. He said this platform would give an opportunity for participants to be selected and progress further by representing their provinces and the country.

A unique custom from Bangapela

This community has gained this reputation from sports tournaments and the hospitality shown to both nearby and distant communities.

Before the start of the independence games, the Bangapela community gathered to “say sorry” to each other in the hopes of coming to a mutual understanding among themselves and being united during the games.

Everyone gathered and apologized to each other, men to women and children and vice-versa. The women thanked the men for apologizing to them and accepted their apologies giving them favors to play in the games.