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More Ways to Win With Digicel

It means everyone can be a winner this Christmas with Digicel.

The telecommunications company is leveraging all of its apps, products and services to reward customers simply for being part of the Digicel family.

The MyDigicel app will serve as the go-to place for all things prize related.

Taking engagement to the next level, Digicel says the more customers use Digicel’s suite of digital apps (BiP, D’Music, GoLoud, Loop, PlayGo and Billo), the more chances they get to win prizes this Christmas. 

Lae Youths Upskilled

Under Save the Children’s Hand Heart Pocket project, the youths are undergoing educational, SME and life skills training.

Save the Children’s Hand Heart Pocket is a three-year youth project that is being implemented in Port Moresby and Lae.

The program supports marginalised youths between the ages of 14 and 24, including people living with disabilities.

It strives to give them a chance to succeed in education and employment.

Partnership To Support Youth

The agreement paves way for Save The Children beneficiaries to receive cash support on their mobile phone using Digicel CellMoni. 
The Mobile Cash Transfer is part of Save the Children’s Disaster Preparedness work under its Cash and Voucher Assistance project to have mechanisms in place to help youths and families following a disaster like a landslide, cyclone, earthquake, or pandemic with cash payments for essential items. 

Foundation Launches Educational Channel

This is according to Digicel Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Serena Sasingian yesterday at the launch of the Foundation’s Education TV channel.

The channel aims to increase literacy and economic opportunities for the youth of Papua New Guinea through creating and streaming learning content to schools and Community Learning Centers around the country.

Everyday People: Isa Yabi

In 1980 when Kamea Construction went down to Gulf province to build a road to Kaintiba, Menyamya, and Aseki, there was a Miss PNG Quest sponsored by Kamea Construction in 1985 which I entered. I was selected as Miss Kamea Construction for Miss PNG, but it didn’t progress because the Kamea Construction work broke down. So I took a typing course with the Commerce Department and after 6 months I received my certificate. My first job was with Ilawa Inn Hotel in Kerema town, as a receptionist. I worked for two years under an Australian called Don Bird.

Everyday People: Velma Vele

“I have five grown up children and then I have two little girls whom I got from my sister when she passed away with cervical cancer. The twin girls are three years old.

“My second born was working at Lamana but due to COVID-19 he got laid off. Now he’s at home looking after the twin girls. My third born was with customer care (Digicel) and the fourth one is still a new agent with (Digicel) Customer Care.

Everyday People: Esther Talu

Before I came to Digicel I used to sell betelnut and smoke at Rainbow market, to take care of my three boys.

One day while I was at my market table a lady by the name of Winifred came by. She was one of my buai customers. While we chatted, she told me that she was a working at Digicel and she was the Facilities Manager so I asked if there are any jobs with (Digicel) Facilities and she said there was, so I came to work here. It’s been almost 8 years since I started.

PNG Air Supports Awards

The awards was launched on August 27, 2021 to allow members of the public to nominate ordinary men who are doing extra-ordinary things to build peace in their respective communities.

PNG Air Acting Chief Commercial Officer, Nancy Nakikus said PNG Air is pleased to support the Men of Honour Campaign by providing return flights to the ports the team requires to travel for interviews with nominees and quality checks.

Digicel signs young Brand Ambassador

Digicel PNG's Senior Vice President and Chief Sales Officer, Lorna McPherson, signed-on Gerard Ivalaoa in a meeting this morning.

Earlier this year, Ivalaoa went viral on the social media platform, Facebook, for writing his first book, ‘70 reminders of Academic Excellence’ using his phone, gaining attention from the global telecommunication company that presented him with a phone and a laptop.

CellMoni Supports Agriculture & Tourism Show

On Friday CellMoni donated K10, 000 and an additional K5,000 in-kind support.

The three-day Central Agriculture and Tourism Show was a significant opportunity for the people of Central Province to showcase their agriculture and tourism products. It was also a chance to show off their culture through traditional dances, food and crafts.

Organizers of the show Barbara Kassman and Nanai Agarobe received the cheque on behalf of the show’s organizing committee.