Australian Federal Police (AFP)

K100 million Investment on police housing

The agreement will see the provision of police housing, valued at AU$37 million (around K100 million) over four years.

Police Commissioner, David Manning said a large part of the support will be utilised in improving living conditions for Papua New Guinea police through the building and renovation of the barracks and accommodation.

Pacific police trained to counter cyber threats

Under the banner of CSP, the AFP, through the Pacific Police Development Program – Regional (PPDP-R), has provided essential training and education programs.

The focus has been on enabling Pacific police to navigate the digital landscape safely and effectively. The program consists of two core foundation courses: Cyber Safety Awareness and Education Community Trainer, and Cybercrime Investigations.

Crackdown on drug smuggling

The successful collaboration between the Papua New Guinea Royal Constabulary, Papua New Guinea Customs, and the Australian Federal Police in combating transnational crime was recognized on March 15, 2023.

The U.S. Government law enforcement agency, Homeland Security Investigation (HSI), presented them with the 2021 HSI Annual Award for Outstanding Investigative Accomplishments for Narcotics and Contraband Smuggling.

AFP Election Support To PNG

The 3000 pieces of Security Protective Equipment, which includes protective vests, helmets and body armor will be distributed to police personnel around the country as soon as the weekend.

Australian High Commissioner, Jon Philp during the signing of the gifting ceremony today said the assistance comes as part of the Australia-PNG Policing partnership.

“We are keen to assist the Royal PNG Constabulary take on its role to assist the PNG Defense Force in ensuring a safe election,” he added.

Sir Peter pushes for AFP involvement

Sir Peter specifically stressed on white-collar crime (corruption) in high offices.

“We cannot pretend that we are alright as a country with the alarming law and order problem situation,” he said when applauding Australia for supporting Enga’s infrastructural development.

“It's not only the street thugs and tribal fights, I am particularly concerned with stealing in high offices.

Detective training program underway

Deputy Commissioner Operations, Jim Andrews, officially opened the program on Monday, 26 February.

Four women were among the 17 police detectives from the NCD/Central Command taking part in this training, which includes basic and advance criminal investigation detection.

There has not been such a training conducted for the past 15 years.

Hunters join ‘Senisim Pasin’ campaign

The event especially aims to advocate against gender-based violence through PNG Tribal Foundation’s ‘Senisim Pasin’ campaign.

The friendly game is an initiative of Advisor to the PNG – Australia Police Partnership (APP), Sergeant Dean Saddler, and SP PNG Hunters coach Michael Marum.

The ‘Senisim Pasin’ campaign is a strategic initiative of the PNG Tribal Foundation in alliance with the National Strategy for Responsible Sustainable Development (StaRS).

Security detail discussed in preparation of major events

The workshop is about coordination between all security agencies based at the Jacksons Airport

Security personnel from different stakeholder agencies like CASA, Police, National Airport Corporation (NAC), Air Niugini security as well as other security agents who are based at the airport all took part in the one day workshop.

The training covered how and which stakeholder would play a lead role in security and protection of the major events that PNG will be hosting in the city.

Combined disciplinary forces undergo Search course training

This is the start of a three week series of courses being run to prepare the PNGDF combined with the Police and the Correction Service to be able to conduct the task of search of any major event that the country will conduct in the future.

Under the Joint Task Force- APEC Security, Defence Corporation Program Lieutenant Colonel Campbell Paine says this week was basic of search course training  and next week will be a series of training activities that will see the trainees to be team leaders to lead a small group of men to conduct search.