
Challenges in PNG's Voter Enrollment

According to Sinai, traditional methods of voter enrollment, which rely heavily on field officers collecting data, are proving ineffective due to unreliable information from community leaders and locals. This has raised concerns about the integrity and credibility of the electoral roll.

Sinai revealed these issues during an update on the ward electoral roll preparation for the 2024 Local Level Government (LLG) Elections, currently underway in 22 provinces. 

No names for Saroa voters

A polling booth was set up in the centre of the village for transparency. However, some eligible voters could not find their names on the common roll to cast their votes.

The wife of a Revival Church Pastor, Orefa Roger, shared that she was able to vote, but her daughter and aunt could not. 

"I think the issue regarding polling here is the update of the common roll. I voted for the leader I want, but my daughter and aunt's names are not on the list so (they were) sent back,” said Roger.

Polling Commences Today

Polling will end on July 22 before counting starts over a period of 7 days. Once counts are completed, the Return of Writs takes place.

Transparency International PNG, in a statement today, says the provision of timely, accurate and accessible information during the polling period will be critical to ensuring a democratically credible 2022 National General Election.

OC urges citizens to vote wisely

Chief Ombudsman Richard Pagen said good moral and ethical standards in leaders are a real problem in the country today.

“The Ombudsman Commission statistics show more than 100 leaders from different sectors of the government have been investigated and referred to the Public Prosecutor for prosecution since independence,” Pagen said.

“There is a need to elect good leaders during the upcoming National Election in 2022,” he added.

Public Servants Released To Vote

They are free to exercise their constitutional right during the polling period from July 4th to 22nd, according to the election schedule released by the Electoral Commission.

The Department of Personnel Management has released Circular Instruction No.8, dated 4th May, regarding the matter.

DPM Secretary, Taies Sansan said this is for public servants and employees to leave work early to visit their nearest polling booth.

Elect A Good Leader

The nomination held over the past week has brought mixed feelings, new sentiments, a lot of hype, some celebrations and more is expected in the coming weeks.

Robert Midi, 22, from Hela Province was part of the crowd at Unagi Oval yesterday, witnessing nominations for Moresby Northeast and the last day of nomination nationwide.

The young man was among supporters of three different candidates, when he was approached to share his thoughts and views on the election.

Robert is witnessing for the first time the elections in the nation’s capital.


High Voter Turnout In PNG

UPNG Economics lecturer, Mahopa Laveil, based on research and revealed this at the PNG Elections Series presentation. He said the 2022 voter turnout of 109 per cent is fraudulent.

PNG’s voter turnout of 90 percent was the highest in Melanesia, with Solomon Island’s voter turnout at 80 percent, Vanuatu’s voter turnout at 80 percent, and Fiji’s voter turnout at 73 percent.

PNG’s voter turnout of 90 percent was the highest in Melanesia, with Solomon Island’s voter turnout at 80 percent, Vanuatu’s voter turnout at 80 percent, and Fiji’s voter turnout at 73 percent.

PNG, where voter turnout is too high

In 2017, approximately 90 percent of the estimated voting-age population cast a vote, despite PNG not having compulsory voting. This could be a sign that people in PNG are enthusiastic about participating in elections, or it could point to electoral problems.

In my previous blog post, I wrote about roll inflation and the potential that came with it for electoral fraud.

Fijians brave heavy rain to vote in election

Weather warnings are in place for the whole of Fiji as more than 550,000 voters make their way to the polling booths.

It is a public holiday in Fiji, which is going to the polls for just the second time in 12 years.

Voters have a choice of 233 candidates, from six political parties, vying for 51 seats.

Voters have been urged to double check where they are due to vote or risk being turned away.

Two-thousand police have been deployed and the military is on stand-by.

The police chief is warning rumour-mongers not to create unnecessary fear.

Australia begins same-sex marriage vote

The survey does not have the power to change the law but could lead to a vote in parliament.

Australian political leaders, including Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, have said they support the Yes campaign.

People will have until 7 November to cast their vote by mail and results of the voluntary poll are expected on 15 November.

On Sunday ahead of the ballots being mailed out, thousands of Australians rallied in support of the campaign and dressed in rainbow colours.

The No campaign said it remained confident it had strong support.