
USAID trains PNG journalists

The training provided the media with the tools necessary to report on illegal and unsustainable environmental activities and corruption in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Independent Auditors to Audit Provincial Books

This is a follow through by Governor Sir Julius Chan, after he warned Senior Executive Management over a week ago, that anyone found to be misappropriating public funds will be investigated and face the full brunt of the law.  

Sir Julius met with auditors Stanley Wasi and Elvis Rumints on Thursday 25th January, and went over the details of the audit process. Both Auditors have vast experience as internal auditors for PNG Power.

Laloki Hospital CEO faces misappropriation charges

Daugunu was charged with two counts of Official Corruption under Section 87 (1) (a) (i), and Section 87 (1) (b) respectively, two counts of Misappropriation of Property under Section 383A (1) (a) and two counts of Abuse of Office under section 92 (1) of the PNG Criminal Code Act, Chapter 262.

Police investigation revealed that the defendant allegedly used her position to create avenues to milk hospital funds for personal benefit, and not in the interest of the institution, the government and the people of Papua New Guinea.

Gov’t reveals lack of financial resources

Emphasizing that the country cannot afford any more wastage in terms of funding and resources lost to fraud and corruption.

PM Marape stated, “We have been destroying our country for so long through wastage, (and) corruption and complacency. Two of the biggest cancer eating into our public service machinery and political structures – complacency and corruption.”

The Prime Minister said he wants perpetrators of corruption to be prosecuted with the full force of the law.

Manning owns policing failures

At the recent launch of the Anti-fraud, Anti-Corruption and Whistleblowers Policy (AAWP) for the Prime Minister’s Department and the National Executive Council, Police Commissioner David Manning Commissioner Manning emphasized that fraud is not just a crime, but also an insidious blemish on our society.

Manning: The gloves are off

“…Present a united front and say to crime, the gloves are off,” Commissioner Manning said at the launch of the Prime Minister’s Department and National Executive Council’s launch of the Anti-fraud, Anti-Corruption and Whistleblowers Policy (AAWP).

Commissioner Manning says the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) is advancing a governance framework and implementing internal controls to minimize corruption and wastage.

ENB hosts Anti-corruption Workshop

The workshop is on corruption risk assessment and mitigation plans for provincial governments.

The workshop is a continuation of the first workshop on corruption risk assessment and management for representatives from public sector agencies.

It is organized by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the PNG Ant-Corruption Project, and funded by European Union. UNDP and the United National Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Report corruption to authorities, not Facebook: PM

Marape made this call today on the floor of Parliament when responding to questions raised by MP for Moresby North East, John Kaupa.

He encouraged the people to file complaints with relevant authorities.

“Not all leaders are involved in corruption. Do not accused leaders on corruption and posted accusations on Facebook. If you have evidence, file your complaints with the police or Ombudsman Commission.

“Facebook is not a Police Station, ICAC or Ombudsman Commission.”

Sir J urges public servants to fight corruption

Sir J said, “Corruption was growing like Cancer that is eating away at the very fabric of our society and needed to be addressed at all levels.”

He commanded the Senior Executives and Heads of State Agencies to do their part in ridding the corruption that has now become deeply entrenched in the public service machinery and society as a whole.

With over 50 years of his life devoted to politics and public life Sir J has gone through enough trials and tribulations to know that PNG’s current state is glaringly worrying and needs to be immediately rectified.

Parliament Passes Important Integrity Bills

Amendments to the Criminal Code to criminalise purported seers or ‘glasman’ and ‘glasmeri’, their activities, and those who engage their services in the perpetration of Sorcery Accused Related Violence (SARV), was proposed to Parliament by East Sepik Governor, Allan Bird and passed unanimously on voices.

This is one of the results from the work of the bi-partisan parliamentary committee from which the amended Criminal Code will now play a big role in addressing SARV in the prosecution or the fining of these seers.