
Parliament resumes

With the window of the Vote of No confidence still open, the Opposition has indicated that they will resubmit the motion today after the Speaker rejected their motions in the last session due to technical errors.

Opposition Announces Shadow Ministers

The Opposition continues to advocate the crucial role it plays in providing alternative policies, advice, and leadership to ensure Papua New Guinea realises its developmental aspirations.

“It gives me great pleasure to announce the country’s Alternative Government’s shadow cabinet and the capable leaders who will fill these positions.

“In accordance with keeping the Government to account, our shadow cabinet follows Parliamentary conventions to ensure we have concurrent oversight of the National Executive Council for accountability and transparency sake.

Sir John pays tribute to late Jimmy Uguro

Sir John reminded the leaders in Parliament today when paying tribute to the late MP for Usino Bundi and Minister for Education, Jimmy Uguro for the last time.

“Fellow Members of Parliament I rise on this solemn occasion also to pay my last respects to the late Jimmy Uguro.

“Another casket of a comrade lies before us, and this will be his last visit to Parliament and the final opportunity for us to bid him farewell before he is taken to rest in the lands of his forefathers.

Bird refutes PM’s statement

Speaking in response to the statement, Alternative Prime Minister Allan Bird said: “It’s quite sad that an “Address to the Nation from the PM” hardly addresses any of the struggles our people are currently facing or will face in the future.

“In any other country on earth, their leader would inform the people of how the Government intends to make the people's lives better.

Confidence in Marape

This followed the announcement by Acting Speaker Koni Iguan that the Notice by the Opposition for a Vote of No Confidence against the Prime Minister was found to contain a defect. This was communicated to the Leader of Opposition on Wednesday, to have it corrected. The motion was resubmitted at 3pm the same day. Today, members of the Opposition stormed out of parliament when the Acting Speaker entertained the motion to vote in confidence for the Prime Minister.

Parliament to address Gov’t agendas

His statement comes amidst widespread discussion of a potential no confidence vote against his leadership.

Marape previewed the session's workload, indicating that over 30 matters are on the list for deliberation.

“These legislative efforts underscore the Government’s commitment to addressing critical issues facing the nation, bolstering its legal infrastructure, and shaping the country's future direction in alignment with its cultural and societal values,” he said.

Dei people lack parliamentary voice

Late MP Pim passed on in September 2023 while waiting for the court decision.

Candidates who contested the 2022 election hope a decision can be finally handed down because of the numerous delays since February 2023.

“This is not normal for an election petition especially after a proper trial has been fully done. Now that the sitting MP has passed on, we need to know the outcome of the petition,” said Nikints Tiptip, a candidate in the 2022 Dei Open election.

He said the people of Dei have not had a proper voice in parliament for almost a year.

“Nogat Marasin” campaign reaches parliament

Member for Bulolo, Sam Basil Junior queried whether the National Department of Health was fully funded to carry out its duties.

Basil told parliament Morobe Province was taking the lead in the ‘Nogat Marasin’ campaign and sought answers from the National Department of Health as to why there was no basic medicine in hospitals.

Wewak’s voice back in parliament

In his maiden speech today in parliament, Samban paid homage to the previous Member for Wewak Open, Late Kevin Isifu, and declared to pursue aspirations left behind by him for the greater good of Wewak.

Samban opened his speech by thanking the people of Wewak for giving him the mandate to represent them.

“It is with great honor and respect to address this honorable house as the newly elected member for Wewak. I take this time to acknowledge and thank my people of Wewak for the trust they have bestowed on me. “

Parliament passes 2023 supplementary budget

When presenting the supplementary budget, Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey said it is based on Papua New Guinea’s economic strength, despite all the global economic challenges surrounding the country.

Ling-Stuckey said, “A supplementary budget that allocates an additional K771 million, lifting the 2023 Budget to a record level of K25,338 million in expenditure.

“All in the context of on-going budget repair, a drive to surplus by 2027, and the option to repay all our debt by 2034.”