Air Niugini

All flights to Rabaul Suspended

This is following vandalism at Tokua airport yesterday where the terminal sustained significant damage.

PNG Air in a statement cited safety concerns as the primary reason for this indefinite suspension.

It confirmed that flights will remain suspended until PNG Air can ensure safe operations in the province.

“The decision was made in the interest of passenger safety and to address the challenging circumstances on the ground,” it stated.

Cabin crew shine at fashion show

The event, hosted by PNG Fashion and Design Week, unfolded over the weekend amidst the opulent ambiance of the Stanley Hotel in Port Moresby.

With an unwavering commitment to the cause of peace and harmony, Air Niugini once again affirmed its role as a community-driven entity by participating as the official airline partner for this distinguished affair.

The airline's Cabin Crew confidently graced the runway, showcasing the latest uniforms and accompanying accessories in a truly awe-inspiring manner.

PX cancels flights over fuel restrictions

This unfortunate decision has been necessitated by the recent imposition of jet fuel restrictions by Puma Energy Ltd.

Air Niugini stated in a media release today, “Our primary concern remains the safety and well-being of our customers and crew, and the decision to cancel flights has been taken to ensure that safety standards are upheld considering the fuel supply constraints.”

The airline is actively engaging in discussions with Puma Energy and relevant stakeholders to urgently address the fuel supply issues and find a swift resolution.

Air Niugini Fleet Restored

The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon, expressed his gratitude to the airline's valued customers for their patience and understanding during the challenging period of unscheduled maintenance.

He also commended the dedication and hard work of the men and women of Air Niugini, whose efforts were crucial in resolving the maintenance issues.

Successful 'Dangerous Goods' Training

The training aimed to provide participants with essential knowledge in identifying, classifying, packing, marking, labelling, documentation, and accepting dangerous goods for air transport.

The training was attended by representatives from the PNG Defence Force, Total Energies, Newcrest Mining, Hevilift Aviation, Pentagon Freight Services, ASPEN Medical, LD Express Ltd, Kobio Aviation, as well as Air Niugini staff. By equipping external clients with firsthand expertise, Air Niugini is contributing to ensuring the safe handling of dangerous goods in the aviation industry.

Air Niugini Rewards HMF Hiri Hanenamo Winners

The tickets, valued at over K70,000, include domestic and international travel.

Air Niugini's Acting CEO, Gary Seddon, expressed pride in supporting a festival that preserves cultural heritage and contributes to tourism.

The festival's winner, Miss Kimjosh Damuri, thanked Air Niugini and other organizations for ensuring the festival's success.

The Hiri Moale Festival celebrates the culture of the Motu-Koitabu people and took place in Port Moresby from March 3rd to 5th.

Connecting with Palau

Led by Acting CEO Gary Seddon, both parties discussed the potential for further opportunities to promote the sector, generate interest, and increase passenger volumes.

They emphasized the significance of connecting Pacific Islands to boost trade and tourism, which would strengthen Air Niugini's position as a regional airline.

This would support the "sixth freedom traffic," allowing scheduled international air services to move traffic between the carrier's home state and the destination.

Minister’s first visit to Air Niugini

Minister Duma, was accompanied by Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH) Chairman, Moses Maladina, KCH Managing Director, Professor David Kavanamur and Acting Director Karl Yalo. Air Niugini Acting CEO, Gary Seddon, and his management team welcome the visitors.

Fokker Jet Services to Mt Hagen resume

Runway maintenance at Kagamuga has been completed by the National Airports Corporation (NAC).

Since the commencement of work on the critical section of the airport on the 8th of March, Air Niugini has maintained air services to Mount Hagen using smaller Dash-8 aircraft, with passenger numbers restricted to as few as 23 at times because of the shortened runway.

Air Niugini Acting Chief Executive Officer, Gary Seddon, said the last six weeks of restricted operations has been inconvenient for both customers, business houses around Mount Hagen, and the airline.

Air Niugini continues support to OOH

Air Niugini’ s Acting CEO, Gary Seddon said the airline has been supportive of OOH since 1993, by airlifting lifesaving medical equipment to assist Papua New Guinean children in need of complex heart surgeries.

“Air Niugini is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in OOH that continues to save and improve the lives of hundreds of citizens with heart conditions. And we will continue to support this worthwhile program,” Seddon stated.

Air Niugini was also present for the fundraiser dinner on Saturday.