Morobe Provincial Government

Morobe govt welcomes new chief of staff

Giling Jeremiah, who was the Morobe Governor’s protocol officer, is now the new chief of staff.

The Morobe Provincial Government has seen three different appointments for the top post of chief of staff in the space of one year.

K3.5mil support for Morobe’s health sector

The presentation follows a nationwide media campaign on the continuous shortage of medicine in all hospitals and health centres, which has cost the lives of average Papua New Guineans.

Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge, outlined to the chief executive officer of the Morobe Provincial Health Authority (MoPHA), Dr Kipas Binga the breakdown of this money.

K2 million - to purchase medical drugs for health facilities in the province.

K1.5 million - can be used for medical equipment.

K10mil for Morobe spiritual leaders

Deputy chairman of Babafi Trust Partnership Program, Ps Setefano Kepe, said based on their yearly submission, K5 million was allocated by MPG, under the leadership of Governor Luther Wenge, while another K5 million will be made available when needed.

Ps Kepe said the feasibility study has been completed, with the current number of spiritual leaders at 2,800. The number is expected to increase as the process is still ongoing.

“That’s for pastors who are shepherding a church,” he clarified.

MPG business arms suspended

The most notable one was Morobe Resources Holdings, which was an amalgamation of Kumgie Holdings and Morobe Sustainable Investment Ltd. The managing director of MRHL was Elizabeth Lolo Bradshaw, who was terminated on January 30th.

Another business arm was Morobe Alluvial Mining Ltd, which was established on May 14th, 2020, to directly help local alluvial miners, especially in the districts of Bulolo and Wau-Waria.

MAML was reportedly allocated K5 million in 2021 and 2022, while over K20 million was used to set it up.

Tourists return to Morobe

The tourists were brought in by Morobe Tourism Bureau Inc. and taken on a tour to Mou Village in Huon Gulf District.

Morobe Tourism Bureau Chief Executive Officer, Defol Jabbar is pleased at this return of tourists to Morobe shores.

“The 120 tourists mostly French, arrived at Mou Village on a cruise expedition on Thursday, 16th of February, 2023, and spent the whole day with the locals participating in cultural activities and traditional singsings, cooking, canoe building, sago roof weaving and other activities.

Nadzab relocation update

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Lands, John Rosso, said they are working with the Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge, and his administration to establish the planning of Morobe’s new provincial headquarters at Nadzab.

“Eighty per cent of the work is already done and it’s just a matter of finalising the relocation of our provincial headquarters and building a brand new township at Nadzab,” said Rosso.

“This will also help alleviate housing issues for our people in Morobe Province.

Morobe passes 2023 budget

Presenting the estimated budget at Tutumang Haus on Thursday afternoon (Feb 9th), Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge, outlined that over K440 million was from national grants, more than K203 million stemmed from internal revenue and K1,400,000 was from former year’s grants.

Wenge said the largest portion of internal revenue was from the Goods and Services Tax, which makes up almost 75 percent of the entire revenue estimates.

GST revenue was valued at K153 million, liquor licensing fees at K6.5 million and mining levy at K2.5 million.

Debts, preachers included in budget

Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge, said this when presenting the K645 million 2023 budget yesterday at Tutumang Haus.

“Subject to finding out whether it’s a true claim or false claim, this budget will provide K30 million to slowly, slowly, settle the debts,” he said, referring to claims of outstanding services by service providers and individuals.

“And then K5 million, we put aside to help the preachers,” he stated.

“The preachers of the gospel, they will preach the gospel in the temple, in the cathedral, in the church, on the streets. We have to support the preachers.

Morobe plans for Kumul TV

Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge, said K1 million will be allocated to ensure the TV station gets its licence to operate by end of 2023.

“Nau mipla laik setim TV so that planti singsing blo yumi, planti kalsa blo yumi, planti pasin blo yumi, planti lotu blo yumi, wanem kainkain stail blo yumi, yumi mas promoutim lo TV.”

K40mil for MPG claims

Morobe Governor Luther Wenge reemphasised that only claims that have been verified to be authentic will be settled, while bogus ones will be handed over to police to deal with.

“I will put it in the budget,” said Governor Luther Wenge.

“When the budget is passed, everybody can come and check through.

Yu laik kam giamanim loya, loya bai putim yu lo Buimo.”

Since last year, hundreds of people have been gathering at Tutumang to submit their claims, most of which are from the campaign period.