Job Pomat

Niningi, Pomat given 14 days to file

Presiding Judge Justice Derek Hartshorn this morning truncated that order 4, Rule 25 of the Court Rules gives the interveners, which is the Speaker of Parliament Job Pomat and Attorney General Pila Niningi, 14 days to serve their statement.

Pomat sworn in by GG

The ceremony was officiated by the Governor General Sir Bob Dadae at 3:15pm. Following the formalities, Mr Pomat was adjourned with the attire of the speaker and a toast to the Queen.  

Accompanying Mr. Pomat was Clerk of Parliament Kala Aufa, Finschaffen MP, Renbo Paita, Hela Governor Philip Undialu and Goroka MP, Aiye Tambua. 

Mr. Pomat immediately turned back for the Parliament House when his swearing-in ceremony was over, to coordinate the election of the Prime Minister of the new government.

Gov’t Staff Vaccinated

The staff who were present had the opportunity to choose between the Johnson and Johnson vaccine or AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Speaker of Parliament Job Pomat and several staff from the Speaker’s office also received the COVID-19 vaccination.

Mr Pomat said he opted for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, and he would like to see more people come forward to be vaccinated. He stressed that the staff are not forced to be vaccinated but emphasized that vaccination is an individual’s choice.

Speaker's Pandemic Act challenge dismissed

The Speaker of Parliament Job Pomat in his application stated that under Section 110 (1) of the Constitution, the Speaker is obliged to certify under the National Seal in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Parliament that a law has been made by Parliament.

Pomat argued that under the Standing Order 221 of the Parliament, ‘every act made by the Parliament shall be presented to the Speaker for certification under the National Seal, having been first certified by the signature of the Clerk as having been passed by the Parliament.

Pomat resigns from PNC

He said his decision to leave the party was to protect the neutrality of the Office of the Speaker.

He still remains as the speaker but as an independent candidate.

The speaker had been accused on social media over fraud allegations made against his office.

During Parliament sitting earlier this month, he announced that he is willing to step aside if investigations are conducted into his office.

PM seat vacant

O’Neill addressed the House this morning, saying he had handed in his resignation to the Governor General Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae at 9:45am.

The Speaker of Parliament, Job Pomat, confirmed this with a letter in his hand, from the office of the Governor General.

“I have a letter from the Governor General acknowledging receipt of the Prime Minister’s resignation. The Prime Minister’s seat is now vacant.”

The office of the Governor General also confirmed that they did receive O’Neill’s letter of resignation, and have in writing to the Speaker, acknowledged it.

K10-K15m to repair parliament: Speaker

Speaker of the House Job Pomat told media that assessments are currently underway.

After observing for a week the activities that unfolded following the rampage at the parliament house, Parliament Speaker Pomat spoke for the first time regarding the incident.

He opened up the conversation in Tok Pisin, saying part of the cost could include that of the damages done to private property, like cars that belonged to parliament employees.

Politics and business must work together: Speaker

Speaker of Parliament, Job Pomat, said this when opening the Inaugural Speaker’s Investment Summit today in Port Moresby.

The event was held in the Parliament hallway.

Following the 2017 Members Induction Program a year ago, MPs expressed interest to continue to engage with the business community, and the Summit is a result of that.

He said the summit brings to them the opportunity to engage with the business community and development partners.

Speaker clarifies Kramer’s referral

He made the statement after the Opposition boycotted Friday’s session following the Madang MP’s referral to the Committee of Privileges.

It all started when Madang MP Bryan Kramer posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday, musing: ‘Did dumb just get dumber?’

Suspended Parlt clerk reinstated

Speaker of the National Parliament, Job Pomat, officially welcomed Konivoro today.

Konivoro was suspended by NEC on the 14 of August 2014 and referred to the Chief Justice to appoint Rights Tribunal.

Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia appointed the Tribunal consisting of three judges in Derek Hartshorn, Sir Kina Bona and late Justice Martin Ipang.

The tribunal found the Clerk guilty on 3 counts of misbehaviour and recommended to NEC to remove him as a Constitutional Office Holder.