
Trukai aid Morobeans affected by drought

Representatives from Kukuc, Waritsian and Mamaringan were pleased to receive Trukai's timely donation.

Kukuc village leader, Michael Som sad, “Trukai will always be a part of our lives and a part of this country, it is through Trukai's quick intervention in places that need help that really demonstrates its strength as the only iconic brand in the country," said Som.

Trukai Industry Limited’s Marketing Manager, Maryanne Tom said that the company will continue to assist people during their time of need.

GFI donates to clubs

Mantas, Silsilpak, and Dove were so grateful for such a gesture, especially at these hard economic times when sponsorships are hard to come by.

The presentation took place this week.

All three teams come under the Valley Hunters Rugby Union Club of the Capital Rugby Union.

The company through its brand Flame and Skel Rice have generously stepped in to provide training shirts, water bottles, and string bags for players. This is the first time any company has come forward to support the clubs

Givim 60 Athletics Club boosted

Givim 60 six athletes comprising of the Hou brothers Ratu, John Junior, Joseph Keaea, Henry Iva and siblings Herman and Lance Philip including head coach/ trainer John Hou were presented with track shoes, top, shorts and walk out shirts (K9 by Mayur Resources security and community manager Peter Harry at the SJGS on Thursday afternoon.

Harry made the presentation on behalf of the company managing director Paul Mulder, Head of exploration Thomas Charlton and director business affairs and former Brisbane Broncos rugby league star Darren Lockyer.

Chinese Embassy donate laptops to CCDA

The donation made recently follows dialogue over the last two months between the Embassy and CCDA of which the Embassy expressed China’s interest in providing technical assistance under their South-South cooperation to address climate change. 

Climate Change and Development Authority Acting Managing Director William Lakain thanked the Chinese Government through its Embassy for recognizing the need CCDA has in terms of resources it requires to implement its functions.

Operation Open Heart receives K100,000

The timely donation will go towards the OOH’s funding assistance in carrying out Provincial Paediatric Cardiac Screening and Closed Heart Surgeries- Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) ligations at the Port Moresby General Hospital Cardiac Unit.

NAC Backs St. Peter Chanel Primary School

NAC recently donated 20 double desks and chairs, this assistance came about after a Facebook post showing students sitting on the floor in one of the St. Peter Chanel Primary School classrooms.

Upon seeing the post and comments on Facebook, NAC Managing Director, Rex Kiponge was deeply moved. Together with the management’s support, NAC ordered 20 desks and chairs from Leon hardware to assist those students.

Timely Donation For Security Forces

Police Commissioner, David Manning said the vests and helmets would ensure the security forces are able to maintain their operations effectively throughout the election period.

He said the appropriate vests or protection gears added an increased level of confidence to the members of the security forces.

Commissioner Manning made this remarks during the signing of the gifting agreement between the Australian Government and the Royal PNG Constabulary yesterday in Port Moresby.

Fisheries Donation To Kidney Foundation

It is the first time for NFA to donate to PNGKF, though not the first time to donate to the health sector and community at large. A delighted Chairman of the PNG KF, Sir Martin Poh expressed appreciation for the kind donation.
“We’ve been operating for the past 11 years and I was so happy when my CEO told me that there’s a donation from the Fisheries, I just came here to get this message and I’d like to thank you so much for the support,” Sir Martin said.

Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban donate $500,000 to fire services, home 'under threat'

The Australian actress, 52, made a brief appearance at a pre-Golden Globes event in Los Angeles on Saturday (US time), looking visibly upset.

Kidman's representative told Us Magazine that the couple are "keeping a close eye" on their rural property, which is "under threat" from the NSW wildfires. 

The Oscar winner refused red carpet interviews, saying she was "so distracted".

"I'm so sorry. I'm so distracted right now with everything that's happening in Australia," she apologised, according to attendees.