
Journos urged to look deeper into environmental issues

The President of the Media Council of Papua New Guinea (MCPNG), Neville Choi said in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day on Friday 3 May 2024. 

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the global theme of this year’s World Press Freedom Day is dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis.

Accurate Reporting Vital

This was highlighted during the opening of a two-day 2022 Resource Industry Media Workshop held on Loloata Island in Central Province yesterday. Event runs from April 21-22, which ends today.

PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, Executive Senior Vice President Richard Kassman in his welcome address told media representatives from media houses present that the workshop was an opportunity for journalists to enhance their understanding and take on the industry especially the extractive industry, which is the focus of the Government.

Nobel Peace Prize: Journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov share award

The Nobel committee called the pair "representatives of all journalists who stand up for this ideal".

They are known for investigations that have angered their countries' rulers, and have faced significant threats.

Both spoke in defence of freedom of the press following their win.

Ressa, who co-founded the news site Rappler, was commended for using freedom of expression to "expose abuse of power, use of violence and growing authoritarianism in her native country, the Philippines".

Journalists Undergo Social Media Training

An hour virtual training sponsored by ExxonMobil PNG, operator of PNG LNG Project had participants from nine media organisations.

ExxonMobil PNG Media and Communications Manager, Susil Nelson-Kongoi, said social media platforms are the ‘go to place’ for news and current issues today.

“Recognising the need to keep up with the current trends, ExxonMobil PNG saw that it was beneficial to support the Chamber with this training effort.”

Informative Workshop On Resource Industry

Media representatives will attend the Community Affairs and Business Development (CABD) & Media workshop in Port Moresby from August 4-5th, organized by the Chamber of Mines and Petroleum.

At the workshop there will be panel discussion sessions involving journalists and some senior project executives from the industry.

It is an informative workshop especially for local journalists reporting on issues on the resource industry, as there will be opportunities for questions and queries to be raised. 

UN, US call for free press in PNG

The United Nations and the United States say they stand with journalists and media professionals and condemn any effort to curb media freedom.

In a statement, the UN and US say free press has the power to transform societies and foster economic growth and build the confidence of investors.

“We all depend on it.

Journalists awarded

Among them were four female journalists who were awarded for their coverage of the sensitive issues.

Every year, UN Women and UNAIDS organise the Media Awards for Excellence in Reporting on HIV and Gender-Based Violence.

This is to recognise the high standard of balanced sensitive reporting by local media personnel on GBV and HIV issues in Papua New Guinea.

Under this year’s theme of ‘Hear My Voice! My Story!’, four female journalists and a Yumi Sanap Strong representative were awarded on November 5th.

Issue of ‘paid’ journos to be raised in Parlt

Member for Madang, Bryan Kramer, said he recently discovered that his Madang District Services Improvement Program (DSIP) funds were being used to pay a certain female journalist, whose reporting was “extremely biased”.

“I put the question to her on whether she has ever received funds from the former Member from this district, to which she refused to respond,” said the MP.

“I have her on record previously saying she never did and now, since occupying office, I’ve gone through the accounts and confirmed payments were being made to journalists.”

Yama blasts Madang-based journalists

Yama issued the warning to the journalists after receiving a petition from the people of Madang, especially from Bel, Ari and Wagi in the Madang District.

Governor Yama said most times journalists report inaccurate information, causing indifference among the community.

“Look at the current issues. Most times people, especially journalists, turn to social media for information, which is not right.

UN in PNG condemns violence against journalists

It is calling on authorities to undertake prompt and effective investigations into the matter.

“A free, uncensored and unhindered media is the cornerstone of a democratic society, and we stand against violence against the media, in any form,” said UN Resident Coordinator in PNG, Gianluca Rampolla.

“The media should be able to operate without fear or favour, and enjoy media freedom as a basic human right as enshrined in the Constitution of Papua New Guinea and the International Human Rights Conventions which PNG has ratified.”