Foreign Affairs

Ministers Forge Historic Border Crossing

Justin Tkatchenko, Papua New Guinea's Foreign Minister, and his Indonesian counterpart, Retno Masurdi, embarked on a historic journey, crossing the Indonesia-PNG border on foot.

PNG and NZ Strengthen Bilateral Bond

In a statement released by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Justin Tkatchenko emphasized the deep-rooted cultural bonds and traditions shared between the two nations over the past 48 years.

He commended New Zealand's ongoing support across various sectors, including agriculture, rural electrification, trade, development, and educational initiatives such as scholarships and Foreign Service training.

PNG signs treaty against nuclear testing

This action makes Papua New Guinea an official party to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; a key United Nations convention.

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was presented and concluded on June 15, 2023, in the National Parliament, and this instrument signifies that the Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea has considered and approved this key UN Convention, ratified and officially undertaken to perform and carry out the stipulations - conditions and requirements, contained in the treaty.

PM commends growing trade with Guangdong, China

This was expressed during a meeting with Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong recently.

The discussions revealed a substantial surge of 265.2 percent in trade volume between Guangdong and PNG from January to May, 2023.

Prime Minister Marape graciously accepted Governor Wang's invitation to visit Guangdong during his upcoming trip to China later this year.

PM to oversee Foreign Ministry

PM Marape also made it known yesterday afternoon (May 12th) to the public that he will oversee the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the interim in the meantime.

This move by Tkatchenko took immediate affect as of yesterday following the public uproar after a Tiktok video from his daughter Savannah Tkatchenko was circulated widely on social media.

The Minister’s defense of his daughter drew harsh criticism from the public over the poor choice of words used to show his frustrations.

Minister determined to boost NZ and Aust partnership

Foreign Affairs Minister, Justin Tkatchenko and his New Zealand counterpart Hanaia Mahuta discussed ways of enhancing the current status of the labor mobility program to include more Papua New Guineans across various industries in the New Zealand market - an objective that mirrors that of Australia.

Bilateral Security Treaty expanded

Minister for Foreign Affairs Justin Tkatchenko, in a press conference in Port Moresby, highlighted significant areas of concern to be added into the treaty agreement including cybercrime, climate change, money laundering, biosecurity, internal security and gender-based violence.

“The definition of the security treaty has been expanded which I think is a very good thing, it’s not just about Defence but all the other important areas as well.

PNG’s Foreign Affairs policy: Friend to all, enemy to none

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Soroi Eoe made this clear in parliament on October 16th.

He was asked that simple and significant question by member for Rabaul Dr Allan Marat.

Dr Marat said the policy had changed overtime that is was important they stick to one.

Court: Facilitate Tennent’s entry in 14 days

The Church Administrator of the Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul, was arrested by immigration officials on June 9 and was deported to New Zealand on June 12, after his alleged involvement with local landowners who were taking legal action against a giant logging company.   

The Kokopo National Court on Friday issued the orders to Acting Chief Migration Officer, Solomon Kantha, and the PNG Immigration and Citizenship Service Authority to facilitate for Tennent’s return within 14 days, from July 7.

PNG lacks human rights advocacy

Mokono was an active participant at a two-day human rights workshop that ended today in Port Moresby.

She was among 36 participants from various key Government partners, including the Department for Community Development, Youth and Religion (DfCDYR), Foreign Affairs, Justice and Attorney General, Constitutional Law Reform Commission and National Planning.

Mokono said human rights issues in our societies are an everyday occurrence. Responsible stakeholders need to understand the basic human rights and obligations that the country holds to implement policy goals.