Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA)

Integrate climate issues into sectoral development plans

Jacob Ekinye said going forward they will need to integrate mainstream Climate Change issues into the sectoral development plans, with the help of all stakeholders including development partners.

Ekinye announced during a press conference that they be roll out the NAP to the national and subnational levels in two phases.

Adaptation plan required in Paris Agreement

The General Manger for Adaptation & Project Design, said during a media conference that there are two approaches to Climate Change; Mitigation and Adaptation.

Jacob Ekinye announced recently that a National Adaptation Plan was a requirement of a Paris Agreement Implementation Act, from the 2016 Paris Agreement.

Students educated on climate change

The students from Kerema Coronation Secondary School and Malalaua Provincial High School had the opportunity to learn more about climate change and its impact on their communities.

The awareness campaign focused on the Science of Climate Change and the nine priority areas for adaptation.

Climate change refers to the increase in the average global temperature caused by natural events and human activities that are believed to be contributing to an unprecedented rate of change in the earth's climate.

Conserve and Protect Environment

Members from the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) gave awareness to students on the importance of the environment concerning Climate Change Biodiversity Conservation. 

Also in the room at APEC Haus in educating students was EU STREIT PNG's Gender and Youth Inclusion Officer, Abbbisa Maniapu teaching students on the sustainable practices of farming that EU Streit does on the field and of its partners in their Program they are UNDP, ILO, UNCDF, ITU and FAO. 

PNG's Second Biennial Update Report Validated

The report embodies information on national circumstances, national greenhouse gas inventory, (GHGi) mitigation actions, domestic monitoring, reporting and verification arrangement, as well as on finance, technology and capacity building needs and support received.

The validation of the BUR was following the completion in documentation of all its components to prepare the country to submit its second BUR to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by end of this month.

PNG’s REDD+ Guidelines Validated

During a workshop hosted by Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) in Port Moresby recently, four guidelines referred to as the REDD+ Safeguards Guidelines were validated by CCDA, its partners and key stakeholders.

CCDA’s REDD+ and Mitigation Division General Manager, Gwen Sissiou, highlighted the development of these guidelines as a significant step to address issues such as the rights of local people, their participation, preservation of natural ecosystems, among others as PNG implements its REDD+ activities through policy-based interventions.

CCDA Reflects On ‘Green Growth’ Project

CCDA’s Acting Managing Director, William Lakain said the Climate Resilient Green Grown (CRGG) project is fully funded by the Australian Government.

He said the CRGG is a four-year program, which began in 2019 aimed at delivering green growth projects with leveraged finance.

“The total approved funding for the Project is USD4.41 million and the budget for 2021 is USD 1.68 million.”

Mr Lakain said that Chimbu, Eastern Highlands, Manus and Morobe provinces have been selected as shadow provinces for replicating CRGG.

Entity To Pioneer Carbon Trading

The carbon trading business is new in the country and NIHT is pioneering the project in the Konoagil area of New Ireland Province.

CCDA Acting Managing Director, William Lakain said the National Government is supporting NIHT Inc. in its Carbon Trading Project.

“The National Government is implementing the National REDD+ strategy with support of partners. Voluntary carbon markets are in operation and have attracted business developers to venture into REDD+ projects around the world.

CCDA Inks Deal With Milne Bay

CCDA Acting Managing Director, William Lakain during the ceremony said after a feasibility study was carried out in 201. It was revealed that the 53-year-old Alotau wharf is in a poor state of repair and is vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, especially the rise in sea level and increasingly rise in storm surge.

NIP Gov’t Signs Carbon Trade Deal

The Agreement paves way for NIHT INC to operate legally within New Ireland Province and to ensure all parties including the Incorporated Land Groups, Provincial Government and the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) benefit from the net revenue from the sale of Carbon credits. 

CEO of NIHT, Stephen Strauss when briefing the Provincial Executive Council reaffirmed the company’s responsibility to live up to the terms of the contract.