Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA)

Authority Presents Climate Change Projects

In supporting this the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) recently held a workshop to provide an update on climate change projects with stakeholders on key issues.

The REDD+ Consultation workshop was attended by 38 participants who represented key government agencies, NGO’s, private sector and development partners.

PNG has committed to reducing the area of annual deforestation and forest degradation by 25 percent against the 2015 level by 2030 in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC, 2020). PNG aims to achieve the target through implementing REDD+.

Enhancement of NDC begins

This was also embedded in the Paris Climate Agreement under Artilce 4 which requires requires each Party to prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve, adapt to the impacts of climate change and pursue domestic mitigation measures.

To meet this global objective, each country needs to submit the updated NDC by 2020 and every five years thereafter.

Renewable energy proposal for Pom

The Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and accredited entity to the GCF, Asian Development Bank, are developing the proposal.

The renewable energy project could be a combination of solar, both terrestrial and rooftops, and wind, with several potential sites under study.

CCDA/ADB consultant Dennis Fenton said renewable energy has the potential to displace diesel.

Fenton said with currently 50 percent of energy used in Moresby coming from diesel, renewable energy is good for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Greenhouse gas estimations workshop underway

The workshop is facilitated by the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The Government of PNG, through CCDA in partnership with the FAO, is working to complete a quality assurance process of the GHG estimations from the Agriculture, Forest and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector to form a National GHG Inventory for PNG.

The workshop is attended by officers from the agriculture and land-use sector. This sector is a key source of greenhouse gas emissions for PNG.