Greenhouse gas estimations workshop underway

A workshop to revise the work done so far on a complete quality assurance process of the greenhouse gas (GHG) estimations in Papua New Guinea is underway in Port Moresby.

The workshop is facilitated by the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The Government of PNG, through CCDA in partnership with the FAO, is working to complete a quality assurance process of the GHG estimations from the Agriculture, Forest and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector to form a National GHG Inventory for PNG.

The workshop is attended by officers from the agriculture and land-use sector. This sector is a key source of greenhouse gas emissions for PNG.

CCDA director REDD+ and mitigation, Gwen Sissiou, said through this workshop, they will be able to identify the gaps and work towards completing the quality assurance process of the GHG estimations.

Once the quality assurance process of the GHG estimations is finalised, it will be put on a national data collection system.

(Workshop participants at the Grand Papua Hotel, Port Moresby, today)

Quintina Naime