Papua LNG Project

Wabo projects inaugurated

The objective of TotalEnergies' Community Development Program, is to improve livelihoods of households and communities.

The main pillars of the program are to strengthen the capacity of local institutions, enhance local livelihood strategies and enable infrastructure to support community development priorities.

Gov’t progress talks on Papua LNG

Prime Minister Marape is expected to meet with Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of TotalEnergies Patrick Pouyanne, where he will be briefed on the status of the project development.

In this meeting, the Prime Minister will express his concern about the slow progress of Papua LNG, and get firsthand information directly from Mr Pouyanne on the progress of the project for PNG.

Kaevaria village receives tanks and radios

The Papua LNG project values building strong relationships with communities. In line with Sustainable Development Goal Six and International Finance Corporation Performance Standards 4, the project strives to ensure communities within its Area of Influence, have access to safe, clean drinking water, lessening the risks of dysentery, malaria and other waterborne diseases.

In addition to the water tanks supplied, Papua LNG also equipped the village with a community Radio system, powered by solar panels, and fitted with in-built USB ports for charging devices.

Gulf leaders demand BDG on January 1, 2024

Landowners from 224 identified clans from Gulf and Central Province will benefit from this Business Development Grant (BDG).

Gulf Governor, Sir Chis Haiveta says, “We want that money as soon as possible. Making a commitment is OK, but making it available is another thing. I'd like it on the 1st if January (2024).”

Papua LNG’s ambitious Environment Initiative

TotalEnergies launched its Zero Net Deforestation (ZND) policy for all new projects across the company in March 2022 and PNG was the first country to implement this policy.

The ZND policy requires that any unavoidable deforestation of the forest cover is compensated by, at least, an equal area replanted elsewhere. 

In partnership with the PNG Forest Authority (PNGFA), the core of the Papua LNG ZND project covers four projects: Afforestation, Biodiversity, Mangrove Rehabilitation & Conservation and Sandalwood Conservation.

More than 100 clans left out

The determination identifies 224 clans in total. One hundred and thirty-eight (138) from Gulf Province and 86 from Central Province. According to Gulf Governor, Chris Haiveta, at least a 120 more clans are missing from this determination.

Gulf Province leaders are unhappy with the ministerial determination for the Papua LNG Landowners and are demanding a fair process. 

Gulf Papua umbrella JV launched

The Gulf Papua Umbrella JV Ltd is a group of all six tribal landowner companies within the project footprint areas, mainly from Baimuru and Ihu areas of Kikori District.
They are:
1. Julali Pujali Holdings – representing the Pawaia tribe within the PDL (petroleum development license) area
2. Henauru Holdings – also representing the Pawaia Tribe within the PDL area

K600mil grant commitment for Papua LNG LOs

Landowners from 224 clans from Gulf and Central provinces will benefit from the first payment of K60 million. Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Kerenga Kua says this funding is purely a business grant. He says for the next nine years after 2024, the funding can be allocated towards infrastructural development, district projects and other necessary development.

Minister Kua says the formula used to calculate the government grants for impacted peoples of the Papua LNG Project is the same formula that was used to calculate government grants for landowners of the PNG LNG Project.

Vessels to back LNG projects

This is an investment from the Steamships’ logistics division, which is valued at more than K80 million (approximately USD21 million).

These tugs and barges have been transferred into the Papua New Guinean flag, expanding the availability of high quality locally owned marine assets available to LNG operators and their subcontractors. 

‘MV Yelia’, ‘MV Aird Hills’ and the two barges, ‘CEL 501’ and ‘CEL 502’, are already in country and operating for TotalEnergies and others. The third tug and barge set, ‘MV Lolo’ and ‘CEL 202’, is due to arrive by the end of December 2023.

Gulf needs emergency response plan

The Governor acknowledged that the provincial government has limited resources and operates in a difficult environment. He thanked the Project for their recent efforts in assisting waterway communities along the Purari affected by the recent floods.

“We will be flood prone. The province has to accept that and the province knows that. On our coasts, erosion’s happening. There’s about 25 to 30 villages along the front or coastline of which about 10 to 15 are in the Purari delta.