MRDC to acquire shares in the Pasca Project

The agreements were made to allow cooperation between MRDC and Twinza in the acquisition and development of future oil and gas opportunities in Papua New Guinea. 

Hides PDL1 Clan bank account opening

The awareness exercise took a week this month and was carried out in five regions; Tuguba, Hiwa, Tugu Tapiria, Kamea Kera, and Habono.

K1 million for Southern Highlands PHA

Southern Highlands PHA chief executive officer, Dr Joseph Birisi says the financial assistance will be utilized to fund incentives for the province’s doctors.

Dr Joseph says the Southern Highlands Province has faced immense challenges especially, those relating to security.

Mano pays tribute to Sir Moi

Mano made these remarks following Sir Moi Ave’s retirement announcement as Chairman of Ok Tedi Mining Limited.

Sir Moi Ave held the position for the past six years.

Mano said, “In the last 6 years, Sir Moi has presided over transformational change at the mine which has resulted in improved efficiency of its operations, extension of mine life, and increased benefits to all stakeholders.”

MRDC: Community Project Vital

During the payment announcement in Benaria, last Saturday, MRDC’s Managing Director Augustine Mano says once the payment, totally K3.76 million is paid tomorrow to the 174 beneficiary clans, for Segment 2 and 3 the PNGLNG Pipeline license No.4 (PL4). The next task is to look at investing in community infrastructure projects in the area.

The combined dividend and equity payments are from the 40 per cent of total royalty and equity benefits.

Audit Required

“All umbrella companies have contributed to the success of TWL and the benefits are generated and shared only when we have a good governance structure.”

“There were some letters written and I have seen them floating around on social media and do not know whether they are true or not, but my people’s money, Gigira Laitepo’s prophetic money is still sitting in trust, not long it will be released to MRDC.”

PNG LNG Pipeline Landowners to get Payments

Gas Resources PNGLNG Pipeline Limited (GR PNGLNGP) Board has approved a combined dividend and royalty payment to be paid to project area landowners from Segment 2 and 3 of the PNG LNG Pipeline License No.4 (PL4) area.

Segments 2 and covers the Benaria & Homo-Paua regions of Hela and consists of 174 benefitting clans.

There areas are part of the eight segment areas, which are PNG LNG project impacted area

MRDC will make payments at Benaria village in Komo-Magarima District, Hela Province.

Kiunga Hospital Equipped

MRCMCAH is the landowner trust company that owns 12 per cent of the OK Tedi Mine shares on behalf of the 152 villages from the eight CMCA regions of North Fly, Middle Fly, Kiwaba, Highway, North Ok Tedi, Suki Fly Gogo, Manawete and Dudi region in the Western Province.

The equipment is valued at K20, 000 and MRCMCAH Chairman, James Assan made the presentation to the hospital witnessed by representatives from MRCMCAH, MRDC and the hospital.

Gesege community leaving no children behind

A brand new four classroom, double story building and a teacher’s house was officially opened and handed over to Gesege Community School in Kutubu on on Saturday, the 7th of September by the Petroleum Resources Kutubu (PRK) and the Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC).

K4.9m cash benefit for SHP Pipeline Segments Ready

They follow after thirty-seven (37) major beneficiary clans in Segment Seven (7), Kikori, who were the first to receive their share; K9.2 million out of K21.9 million earmarked as cash benefits for the entire pipeline segments of the project.

The Mineral Resources Development Company (MRDC) officially launched the payment exercise Wednesday, 5th March in Kikori, Gulf province, witnessed by the Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Hon. Kerenga Kua and the Governor for Gulf, Hon, Chris Haiveta.