Member for Hiri-Koiari

Iduhu assists with Seawall project

Iduhu praised the 12 selfless volunteers who came up with the initiative to protect the community from habitual threat of high tides and climate change.

According to Human Rights Watch, For PNG, it is facing more than double the global average in annual sea level rise and the worst is yet to come.

Papa water consultation

During the festive season, Member Iduhu attended a community meeting at Papa village in Central’s Hiri West, to discuss water supply challenges affecting Papa, Bogi, and Metago.

Village leaders, Water PNG, LABA Holdings and representatives of the Hiri Koiari District Development Authority attended the meeting with villagers.

Iduhu calls for agreement between KCH and LOs

He said this is to ensure the landowners do not hold the city at ransom by issuing demands for payments and shutting down water and power.

Iduhu raised this after the landowners of Koiari shut down power and water to the city yesterday and demanded their K15 million overdue payment from the government yesterday.

“KCH must look for a way forward so you (the landowners) can sign a real agreement to ensure this must not happen again,” he said.