Madang Province

Rural Madang lack health services

Provincial Health Director Marcus Kachau says he has not seen any improvements in the priority health programs in the province.

Kachau says the Madang Health Office has three minimum priority areas: making sure that facilities were operational, equipping health centres with the right medical supplies and staff, and constantly supervise rural health centres.

Madang provincial games begin

The Madang Provincial Games opening ceremony saw district teams  doing a march past starting from Kusbau Primary School in their colours with traditional singsing group from Amele area leading them in.

Madang Provincial Sports Coordinator Robin Hevesa said the opening ceremony was done in the Madang way seeing teams enjoying the speeches given by the guests  followed by the Madang and the National anthems being sung.

Ramu Nico maintains stand on safety after death

In a statement released today, the company says  that it strictly implements world standard “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems” in compliance with relevant PNG mining standards and procedures.

The company said this following a call by the Minister for Trade, Commerce and Industry, Richard Maru to conduct a full scale investigation into safety and operation standards following an alleged murder of one of Ramu NiCo’s Kurumbukari mine operators.

Raicoast leader pleas for help

Ganglau village elder and clinic chairman Sibi Dub says since independence other parts of the country are progressing but Raicoast had been forgotten and left behind.

Dub says the road infrastructure is going from bad to worse, people are forced to cross the river and walk a long way to get to goods and services, mothers and children are dying due to the collapse of  health services.

He says mothers giving birth and dying on the spot with child was happening often with a major fall  also happening in education facilities.

Ramu school tops Grade 8 exams

Elated local MP and Agriculture and Livestock Minister Tommy Tomscoll who was present at the graduation praised the good work of the teachers and revealed the good news as the way forward for Middle-Ramu District.

He says the primary school just this year got it’s first Grade 8 classes and was also upgraded to become a primary school and the news of topping the province in the exams is welcome news that Middle Ramu values education and can produce bright students for the future.

Think of us, Governor tells Govt, investors

The provincial governor threw the challenge to the National Government and Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) project investors to consult his office for input. "

“We have not gained from previous investments," Kas said at the PMIZ launching yesterday in Madang.

He said that "PMIZ will trigger economic development (and) the thoughts of the provincial government and impacted communities must be considered."

The Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) project will create 30,000 jobs.

PMIZ is situated close to RD Tuna Cannery at Vidar, Madang Province.

This project will be developed on 215 hectares of land.

100 hectares is designated to host canneries and 115 hectares for residential and commercial purposes.

The project was delayed for five years because of Court proceedings instigated by landowners.

In a statement today Trade Minister Richard Maru said "the PMIZ concessional loan has been extended by the China Exim Bank to pave way for the construction of the PMIZ project to start.

Ground breaking ceremony to kick start PMIZ Construction

The ground breaking ceremony will happen to tommrow (Monday) at the project site in Vidar, Madang.

The key note address and launching will be done by Prime Minster Peter O'Neill.

Once off the ground, it will see the construction of more fishing canneries.

It will increase employment and also generate income.

Small plane crashes in Madang mountains

Investigators will be there tomorrow tot investigate the crash that happened  at about 10 past 12pm.

Chief executive of the PNG Accident Investigation Commission Captain David Inau confirmed the crash with Loop PNG this afternoon but was not able to give any further information.

Capatain Inau says that the aircraft departed Madang for Kumbako and on approach to landing it crashed.

At the time of the crash there were three people on board including the pilot.

Water for Manam not possible – Mungali

It means, families there will have to source their own drinking water from traditional sources like wells, many of which are contaminated.

Rudolf Mungali from the Madang Disaster office told LOOP news today “it is not possible to take fresh water to Manam Islanders because there is no means of transporting a huge number of water supplies.”