Leon Hardware

A Journey of Hope and Friendship

In a heartwarming celebration, family members, village leaders, media friends, and guests gathered to celebrate the 100th day since the birth of little Taylor Inapi, baby of a Josephine Inapi, who was discharged from PMGH Special Care Nursery on May 16, 2023.

Dr. Zhenqiu Liu, deputy captain of the 12th China Medical Team and an Associate Professor of Paediatrics at POMGEN, led the event, displaying the remarkable recovery journey of this young fighter.

Empowering Vabukori women

President of the Vabukori Women's Development Association, Molly O'Rourke said, “The Vabukori Women's Development Association focuses on empowering women in the areas of cooking, sewing, arts & craft, and gardening. The garden tools provided by Leon Hardware will greatly benefit our women.

“On behalf of the association, I express my deepest gratitude to Leon Hardware, Lady Dadae, and His Excellency the Governor General for their support. It is through partnerships like these that we can create positive change for our community."