
Uguro Visit Burnt Down School

On a visit to the school yesterday, Member for Gazelle, Jelta Wong accompanied Minister Uguro to the site where the school was burnt down three weeks ago.

Minister Uguro condemned the actions of those perpetrators in the community in burning down the school building.

He said this is not the solution to any problem and this ill behaviour must stop.

The Minister said communities must take ownership of school infrastructure such as classrooms, teacher’s houses, students, water tanks, power and refrain from burning them down.

Raluana: New Base for NA Party

This follows the opening and dedication of a meeting place or hausboi (house for men) recently.

NA Secretary-General and Namatanai MP Walter Schnaubelt who officially opened the hausboi acknowledged Ekonia Walom, for the initiative. The hausboi replicates his very own Kilak White House in Namatanai.

Schnaubelt said, “All the decisions in Kokopo will be made here. They named it Kilak following my meeting house in Namatanai which is on the ridge overseeing the whole Pacific Ocean.”