National Media Development policy

Media policy in its final stages

He announced this during World Media Freedom Day celebrations on Thursday at the University of Papua New Guinea.

According to Masiu, the proposed policy aims to have a proactive approach on media professional development for quality content and responsibility through schools of journalism; bridging journalism practice, training and awareness.

Media Development policy forum underway

The government though the Department of Information Communication and Technology (DICT) has embarked on the draft policy with the aim to outline objectives and strategies for the use of media as tool for development, such as the promotion of democracy, good governance, human-rights and socio-economic development.

In his opening remarks this morning, Minister for Information Communication and Technology, Timothy Masiu stressed this point saying, “Let me state what I have said that this is not an attempt by the government to regulate, restrict, censor or control the media.”

Consultation continues on debated media policy

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) has been receiving feedback from stakeholders in-country and overseas to incorporate into the exiting draft.

It has now scheduled a workshop to be held on March 2nd 2023 in Port Moresby, and will be streamed for anyone outside the capital to participate.

Regional media stakeholders have shown great concern dubbing this policy as one that’s aimed at controlling the PNG media.