Dr. Sam Yockopua

Local Doctor Supports Mulitaka Community

The donation, consisting of 23 cartons of medical supplies weighing 260kg and valued at nearly K60,000, included antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, ointments, povidone-iodine, bandages, plasters, and other essentials. The contribution was presented at the Mulitaka Health Centre (MHC) in the presence of representatives from the Enga Provincial Health Authority (PHA) and was warmly received by HEO OIC Andrew Noho.

POM sorcery attack victim being treated: Dr

Head of the Emergency Department, Dr. Sam Yockopua, confirmed that she was brought in and has been attended to.

Dr Yockopua said the elderly woman sustained scratches and minor cuts to her body after being dragged on the ground. She also suffered a knife wound to the head.

He said she received minor burns which are not life threatening.

The ER Head said the woman will remain at the hospital and receive treatment and psychological support.

She is expected to remain at the hospital until she is in a stable condition.

​Doctors' association aims to end police brutality

This pertains to the alleged attack on a residential medical officer (RMO) from the Port Moresby General Hospital on Wednesday night.

Dr Newman Berry, an RMO at the Gynecology & Obstetrics Department, was attacked on his way home, where he sustained head and facial injuries.  

Members of NDA-POM/NCD branch met with their executives yesterday (June 5), where it was agreed that ample time be given for investigations and questions, among others, to be done by all parties concerned.

PMGH doctor thanks donors

Chief of Emergency, Dr. Sam Yockopua thanked everyone who responded to the appeal.

“We received a huge support from the community at large; companies, organizations, families, friends and individuals.”

He highlighted the response by Oil Search Health Services as well as others who had come into the rescue scene with boxes of goodies.

Yockopua has apologised to the management of Port Moresby General Hospital for taking matters into his own hands adding that it was a risky move but the risk paid off.

“We have saved many needless as a result.”