court case

R. Kelly called a 'predator' as sex abuse trial begins

The star is accused of racketeering, sexual abuse and bribery; charges which he has repeatedly denied.

Some of the allegations made against the singer - whose full name is Robert Sylvester Kelly - date back more than 20 years.

If he is convicted on all counts he could be sentenced to several decades in prison.

Opening statements were delivered to a jury of seven men and five women, who will decide the 54-year-old singer's fate.

Mr Kelly faces charges that he was the ringleader of a two-decade scheme where he recruited women and underage girls for sex.

Fainu court case delayed until May 13

The Manly Sea Eagles hooker was charged with three offences after allegedly stabbing a man during a brawl at a Mormon church function in late October last year.

Fainu, 21, pleaded not guilty to a number of charges including wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, recklessly causing grievous bodily harm in company and affray.

Kaniva News reports the most serious charge – intent to cause grievous bodily harm – carries a maximum sentence of 25 years

Campaign continues after Rabuka found not guilty

Supporters cheered the SODELPA leader, former prime minister and 1987 coup leader Mr Rabuka as he emerged from the Suva Magistrates Court late this morning.

Mr Rabuka was charged by Fiji's Independent Commission Against Corruption under Fiji's political party regulations - for providing a false declaration of his assets, income and liabilities.

If convicted, he would have been out of the running for the 14 November polls.

Former Solomons' PM wins election case against minister

The MP for Gizo Kolombangara, Jimmy Tanangada, caused a huge upset when he unseated the then caretaker prime minister in the 2014 elections.

The Solomon Business Magazine reports the high court has declared Mr Tanangada's election null and void.

In his decision Judge Rex Foukona found the MP guilty of bribery and treating through the use of agents who supplied food for supporters during the campaign.

Justice Foukona also banned Mr Tanangada from taking part in the next general election and said he would be advising the Governor General on the outcome of the case.

Kiribati President meets jailed seamen in Italy

A government statement said Mr Maamau extended warm greetings, provided counseling and heard of the needs of the men who are in three different prisons in Italy.

He told the former seamen with the company Hamburg Sud, to be obedient, patient and strong while serving their sentences.

Judge to visit Buimo prison

Justice Panuel Mogish is in Lae to assist the crimes court in the Morobe Province with its backlog of cases.

He said unlike the situation in other provinces, detainees awaiting and attending court at Waigani from Bomana have good interaction with the courts regarding their case.

He adjourned all matters listed before him at Waigani this month to July during the call over early this week.

He encouraged those on bail in Port Moresby to return to court next month.

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