Minister for Communication

Governor calls for more local content

Basil said this in response to questions by Bougainville Governor, Joe Lera.

“What is the policy of NBC in regards to giving equal airtime to global, national and local content to our people? asked Lera.

“I ask this question because currently radio Bougainville is giving more time to global and national content and little time to Bougainville content.

“This disadvantages my people from getting adequate, relevant and appropriate information on the social, economic, political affairs, especially in the context of the referendum.”

​K5,000 for UPNG WNB students

The funds will help students organise the WNB Day tomorrow in Port Moresby.

Maneke said culture and tradition is the backbone of every society and supporting the students is a good gesture.

He encouraged the students to not forget their origins and make it their priority to pass it on to the next generation.

"Strengthening our culture and traditional rituals are very important in our lives.

"Without our culture, we wouldn't know our existence,” Maneke stated.

From a party leader to a Minister

Maneke was sworn-in on Wednesday as the Minister for Communication and Information Technology.

Prior to this, Maneke was also appointed as the leader of the Our Development Party as he was the only member from that party in Parliament.

He unseated former Talasea MP and Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Minister Francis Marus.

Manase, a successful businessman, owns a construction company known as Kaulong Estates.