Lucas Dekena

PNG, Aus sign TVET Statement of Intent

Caretaker Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science, Technology and Sport, Lucas Dekena says the agreement reaffirms both countries shared commitment to enhance Papua New Guinea’s TVET sector and to seize economic growth opportunities both domestically and internationally.

Kuman will ask court to dismiss case

His lawyer told the court yesterday they intend to ask the court to dismiss the case when it briefly went before Justice Collin Makail.

The case returned after orders were issued on August 2, stopping Kuman from being sworn into parliament.

The restraining orders were issued by the court at 11:50am but were not served on the speaker and clerk of parliament in time. Kuman was sworn in at 12:03pm.

With the court yet to decide on who the duly-elected member of Gumine Open is, Kuman’s lawyers will ask the court on August 15 to dismiss the entire case.

Gamato approved a dead man’s signature

This major blunder resulted in the attendance of two members-elect from Gumine Open, Simbu Province, in parliament yesterday.

The Electoral Commissioner accepted the Gumine Open writ, declaring sitting MP, Nick Kuman (People’s National Congress Party candidate), Member of Gumine.    

On the other hand, Lucas Dekena, who entered the chamber but did not sign the Declaration of Loyalty Form, claimed he was cheated.   

2 Gumine representatives in Parlt

The two MPs of Gumine, Simbu Province, are Nick Kuman and Lucas Dekena.

Kuman is with the PNC camp while Dekena is with the Alliance Camp.

Loop PNG’s court reporter has advised that Dekena's lawyers are at the courthouse, trying to have Kuman removed.

They are still waiting for a judge to hear the application.

(Nick Kuman in Parliament)