
Endocrine disrupting chemicals: Is your home making you sick?

Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and some cancer rates are on the rise in humans. While sperm count and fertility is on a downward slide in some populations. What if chemical exposure was partly responsible for these trends?

One hypothesis is that a group of chemicals — known as 'endocrine disrupting chemicals' (EDCSs) — could affect human reproduction, puberty, metabolism and other functions controlled by hormones in our endocrine system.

Many suspected EDCs are already in your home — but how much risk do they really pose? At what exposure level do they become unsafe?

Plastic and how it affects our oceans

"No-one in their daily life within a period of 10 minutes isn't touching something that is made of plastic," said Professor Andrew Holmes, an emeritus professor at the University of Melbourne and a polymer chemist who has developed special plastics for flat screen TVs and solar cells.

It's used in everything from the keyboard or pen you are using, to your glasses or contact lenses, the Teflon on your frying pan, and the banknotes in your wallet. It's in your clothes, phone, car, mattress, and TV screen.

Professor Kola’s death shocks UPNG chemistry strand

Late Professor Kola was UPNG’s former head of chemistry. Under special arrangements agreed to between the interim council of the University of Goroka and the management of UPNG, he was appointed the acting vice-chancellor of UOG last year.

“Just heard the news and cannot accept it. PNG has lost another great man,” said the late Kola’s former student Patricia Hagali, who is now a chemistry tutor at UPNG.

Lab assistant inspired to do more

Therefore as part of this legacy, it continues to recruit locals from its impacted areas in Usino-Bundi and Rai Coast district in Madang Province to work and fulfill the employment requirements and the company’s human resource (HR) policies.

One of those fortunate local employees is 32-year old Woe Bagag from Buff village near Basamuk in Rai Coast district.

Bagag completed grade 12 through a Distance Education Mode in Madang in 2011. Unfortunately, he could not continue and returned home somewhat thinking that the future would be a bleak one.