Air Niugini

Air Niugini to commence flights to Townsville

The launching will be just in time for the NRL season and will also benefit the Central and North Queensland business communities who can now better access PNG and other Pacific and Asian cities through connecting flights at Jackson’s airport in Port Moresby.

These direct services will operate every Monday and Friday, departing Port Moresby at 09:55am and arriving in Townsville at 11:45am.

The return flight will depart Townsville at 12:30pm and arrives in Port Moresby at 2:20pm.

Weather delays Air Niugini flight to Honiara

PX 082 was cancelled this morning around 10 am after receiving information from Honiara that passengers and airport handling staff were unable to reach the airport at Honiara’s Henderson International Airport.

The flight has been rescheduled for a 10 am departure on Wednesday with the return flight to be deferred by 24 hours to Thursday.

Air Niugini says it regrets the inconvenience caused and stresses the situation is outside the airline’s control and the safety of customers and staff is always a first priority.

Picture credit: Al Jazeera


PX pilots termination “not reviewable”

Justice Collin Makail today dismissed the review and also discharged the stay order which was issued on Oct 7, 2016 against their termination.

On Oct 7, the National Court stayed the pilots’ termination when it allowed their case to go through for judicial review.

The judicial review was filed by Captains Joseph Kumasi, Vincent Tongia, Norman Daniel, Boris Ageda, Benjamin Lopa, and first officers Elijah Yuangi, David Seken and Abel Kanego.

They were terminated by the Air Niugini management between Sept 1-15,2016  over allegations of misconduct.

Air Niugini clarifies ‘in flight’ incident

In a statement today, the airline management wishes to make it clear that there was no hijacking or attempted hijacking as reported by the media.

However, it was reported that a male adult passenger on board the Singapore flight inflated a lifejacket in the aircraft, drawing attention from the crew and the passengers.

The cabin crew attended to the situation and resolved it in a controlled manner.

“At no time was the safety of the flight or its passengers and crew at risk. The passenger showed no signs of aggression,” the airline stated.

Business man saves plane from ‘suspicious’ passenger

To be proud means to do anything that will sometimes put your life at risk to do something extraordinary.

Businessman, Mathew Minape who was on a business trip to Singapore on Monday on an Air Niugini flight PX 392 – a Boeing 767 aircraft - saved the plane and the passengers from a passenger, Colonel Devananodou who was behaving suspiciously on the plane.

PX to begin flights to Townsville

The Townsville Bulletin reports that bi-weekly flights to the largest city in North Queensland will begin in in March.

In a statement to the publisher, Air Niugini Chairman, Sir Frederick Reiher, says “The step will enhance the growth of the Jacksons Airport hub”.

“Travellers from Townsville, and the surrounding areas, will be able to connect to our services to major destinations, including Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong and Narita and, soon, Shanghai,” he said.

Supreme Court dismisses PX appeal

Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia this afternoon ruled he was not persuaded that Air Niugini had an arguable case made out.

Air Niugini filed the appeal on grounds the Judicial review in the National Court is an abuse of process because Air Niugini is subject to Company Act and its decisions cannot be reviewed through a judicial review proceeding. 

The Chief Justice said the National Court judge did not make an error when he granted leave for a judicial review to be carried out against their termination.

Supreme Court to decide on PX appeal

Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia sitting as a single Supreme Court judge today heard submissions from lawyers representing Air Niugini, Ian Shepherd and the eight national pilots, Moses Murray. He reserved his ruling to Dec 9.

Sir Salamo in reserving his decision said he needs to go through the National Airline Commission Act to see the status of Air Niugini.

Air Niugini is seeking leave of the Supreme Court to appeal the National Court decision dated Oct 7 which allowed a judicial review to be conducted by the court on the termination of the pilots.

Hoskins woman wins trip to FSM

Tania Malai, who happens to be the 2000th person to have opened a UATAP account and was automatically selected as the winner.

Malai has won herself a return trip for two to the Federated State of Micronesia on Air N iugini.

Air Niugini General Manager Customers and Markets, Dominic Kaumu when congratulating the winner said as a follow on incentive, Air Niugini will be giving away 4000 free destination points to the next 100 new accounts that will be opened.

Air Niugini to recommence Fokker services to Hoskins

Air Niugini in a media statement stated that the Fokker services into Hoskins airport will resume this Saturday Dec 3.

The recommencement of the Fokker services was followed by the completion of maintenance work on the runway.

The airline’s F70 and F100 aircraft were unable to operate to Hoskins since September this year to allow for further works to be carried out on the runway surface.

Since then, Air Niugini’s subsidiary company, Link PNG has been operating its Dash 8 aircraft to and from Hoskins.