Women's rights

Representing women, young girls

The two women are members of the Buka-based Hako Women’s Collective that operates a safe house and works closely with other local services, such as the Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation.

“We deal with married women and young girls, who we give counselling to and connect to the Bougainville Police Service, the courts and the hospital and monitor their progress,” Ms Pena said.

Ms Omi said both she and Ms Pena take their role very seriously.

Brazilian president under fire over praise of women's supermarket skills

Wednesday's speech began cordially enough, with compliments to female representatives of the Senate and Lower House, who were present at the event at the Planato presidential palace.

He highlighted the importance of women's struggles in Brazil, from gaining equal voting rights to fighting femicide.

He compared the country's successes to others who still treat women as "second class citizens," and praised his wife Marcela and other women in his life for everything they do "in the house, in the home and for their children."

Opposition committed to improve women’s rights issues

 Polye said this while commemorating the International Women’s Day across the globe tomorrow.

 He said the global theme: ‘Women in the changing World of Work; Planet 50-50 by 2030’ complemented the efforts put towards its achievement.

“As a father of daughters, I am a strong advocate of breaking the barrier in gender equality and women’s rights.

“We must understand to see our women and girls as equal player in the digital world,” he said.

Polye stated his Triumph Heritage Empowerment (T.H.E) party recorded a victory of two seats in the last election.

Trump's abortion rule will cause deaths - activists

Mr Trump reinstated the so-called global gag rule on Monday, affecting American non-governmental organisations working abroad, to signal his opposition to abortion, which is difficult to access legally in many developing countries due to restrictive laws, stigma and poverty.

Kenyan campaigner Rosemary Olale, who teaches teenage girls in Nairobi slums about reproductive health, said women would go back to getting unsafe abortions.

"You will increase the deaths."

Hip Hop Star calls to respect and treat women and girls right

Lieasi who is also the UN Women Youth Champion was speaking to more than 2,600 students at Wardstrip Primary school in Port Moresby during Sanap Wantaim: The New Normal, an anti-violence campaign yesterday. The campaign, co-funded by the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) and the Australia Government will run for eight weeks.

“Boys, you need to stand up and make Port Moresby safe for everyone,” he said.

“You are leaders of tomorrow and it is important how you treat your family, community, city, country and world,” the star said.