ExxonMobil PNG (EMPNG) Limited

Career opportunities for young engineers

EMPNG, operator of the PNG LNG project, delivers the program over a three to five year period with training designed to build real-world skills and test graduates by giving them responsibility early in their careers.

The program includes a one-year graduate induction program, site visits and engagement with experienced staff, mentoring on key elements of personal effectiveness, various technical courses as well as on the job training.

EMPNG recognised for environmental initiatives

This was part of the Chamber of Mines and Petroleum conference held recently in Port Moresby.

The Environmental Award specifically recognised the importance of the efforts taken and featured within two EMPNG biodiversity publications. The first volume summarises scientific biodiversity surveys completed at Wau Creek, Uro Creek and Lake Kutubu while the second serves as a field guide for the identification of flora and fauna at Hides Ridge and the Agogo Range near Moro.

ExxonMobil launches biodiversity study

The book was presented to the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) as one of PNG’s only long term high biodiversity data sets for the country.

The book describes the biodiversity in the Hela and Southern Highlands provinces in 2015 as well as the methods used to undertake the biodiversity surveys. It highlights the large number of plants, frogs and mammals species found in two of the major provinces of PNG.