COVID-19 acquittals needed

Leader of the Opposition, Belden Namah, is calling on the Government to give a full report on COVID-19 funds in the country.

Namah said large amounts of money were released, and need to be acquitted.

He challenged the Prime Minister to make public details of the COVID-19 operations.

“He must publish acquittals (accounts and details) and account for the first K24 million, the K600 million roll out, the K1.2 billion soft loan from Australia and all subsequent gifts, grants and loans,” the Opposition Leader said.

“Otherwise, we can rightly and with justification accuse the Prime Minister and his foreign advisors of forging spikes in coronavirus infections as a gimmick to attract and spend funds dubiously and on expenditures unrelated to the health pandemic.”

Namah also said the government needs better strategies to address the issues caused by the pandemic, as it has already been a year.

“There ought to be multiple scenarios plotted and detailed responses to each scenario as it occurs,” he said.

“Such strategies and plans must be set beside broader national health plans so resources are distributed fairly to combat older diseases such as malaria, pneumonia, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and cancer. These diseases too are running amok amidst our population, each of them killing more people each day than all the COVID-19 deaths so far.”

In a press conference on Thursday, Prime Minister James Marape clarified that all the Provincial Health Authorities and districts have been tasked to acquit all COVID-19 funds in their respective districts and provinces.

Freddy Mou