Fight Against Cybercrime

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) assured participants of the Business Coalition for Women (BCFW) on safeguarding them against cyberbullying, especially on women and girls in the country.

Executive Manager for Cyber Security and Digital Government Standards, Georgina Kiele said the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) division, stressed on numerous awareness on cyber security and safety on social media and other medium of communications such as radio, especially NBC radio, aimed at protecting women and girls online.

DICT has been in collaboration with the National Information and Communication Technology Authority (NICTA) to drive the awareness campaign.

“We see that dealing with online violence is important and that is why DICT is also working with the police cybercrime unit to create a webpage to report issues, such as online violence,” Kiele said.

She added a Social Media Management Desk has been set up to support the government in dealing with and managing misinformation, fake news, and disinformation.

Kiele assured participants of the workshop and stakeholders that cybercrime and cyber issues are priorities of the department to address.

“National Cyber Coordination Centre, in its early stage, plans to have technologies made available to assist agencies such as police and other security agencies to coordinate their work effectively,” she stated.

The workshop discussed issues that are currently affecting women and girls, especially in cyberspace, such as online bullying and long-lasting trauma on victims, especially women and girls, and on solutions that can address such issues of cyberbullying.

Representatives from other government departments such as the Department of Justice and Attorney Generals, NICTA and institutions such as Equal Playing Field, were present during the gathering.

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