
“For My Father” drama returns July

The production will run from July 24th to August 3rd at the Moresby Arts Theatre. This intimate production features performances from emerging PNG actors, directed by young theatre director Ziggy Yominao, who co-directed the show's premiere in 2022 and its restaging in 2023.

Festival puts feminist work front and centre

Whether you've got one, like what they do or have always been curious, now is the time to embrace the female anatomy, with vaginas firmly in the spotlight at the festival.

The obsession — which examines the politics of pussy as well as the biology — reflects changing social attitudes, according to Fringe creative director and CEO Simon Abrahams.

"I can only assume that when we have a pussy-grabbing President of the United States that women are making extraordinary feminist work to fight back and make political statements," he said.

Cast, audience of gay play have tyres slashed in 'hateful' attack

Lane Cove Theatre Company's production of Holding the Man has had a sold out season, but it appears not everyone is a fan of the show.

After last night's performance, 12 cast and audience members returned to their vehicles outside The Performance Space at Longeuville, to find their tyres had been slashed.

A police spokesperson said they would investigate "motives of bias" behind the attack.

It is not the first time the production, which tells the 15-year love story of two men, has been targeted.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre set to come alive in Melbourne

"We're going to pop up in six weeks. A three-storey, 900-person, 100-tonne theatre," Miles Gregory, the project founder, said.

"There will be incredible fights, hundreds of litres of fake blood, cannons firing. It is an immersive theatre experience.

"People will get splashed."

The pop-up Globe Theatre was built in Auckland in 2016 to mark the 400th year of Shakespeare's death and after several sell-out seasons is coming to Melbourne's Sidney Myer Music Bowl in September.