
Ramu 2 Hydro contract negotiations on going

PNG Power Board Chairman, Andrew Ogil, says negotiations are ongoing despite the election period.

He said the Project was the biggest hydro power undertaking and so it was imperative for PNG’s interests, as well as the developers, were properly covered in any agreement.

“So what we are doing is that there is a team in PPL working on that, with KCH as a shareholder, plus the contractor. By the time it comes to the Board, I will then endorse it to the board and PPL, and to the NEC. By that time we’ll be in a position to sign off.

Chinese firms to develop Ramu 2 Hydro Power

Kumul Consolidated Holdings Chairman, Paul Nerau, said this during a dinner ceremony in Port Moresby on Wednesday signaling the opening of the Shenzhen Energy Project Office in Port Moresby.

Nerau said the Project is a milestone project that will benefit millions of people in the country including EHP and Morobe.

“This particular project will be the revenue game changer for Papua New Guinea, especially in Morobe and Eastern Highland Province,” he said.