PNG Comedian

From Comedy To Politics

He says it is worth a try for the 2022 elections and nominated last Thursday. Dirau and is among 40 other candidates.

Dirau is among big names like two former Madang governors, James Yali and Jim Kas, former Defense Force commander, Jerry Singirok, who is contesting under the PANGU Pati.

Four women are also in for the race for Madang’s top seat.

Madang Election Manager, Sponsa Navi raised concern that with the introduction of social media the supporters of each candidates must be careful when campaigning on social media.

Tuli Mahn - A Comedy Sensation

The young comedian is from East and West New Britain provinces. He started making comedy skits in November 2019 as a means of passing time and he now has massive fan base on social media of over 100k followers in PNG and abroad.

He was inspired by fellow East New Britain comedian and social media influencer called “Dark Child.” He watched a comedy skit by Dark Child one day and that motivated him to film and edit his own videos. Tuli posted his videos on his Instagram account and before he knew it, his comedy skits ended up on Facebook.