Late Sir Pita Lus

Late Sir Pita Lus Lies In State

The casket arrived at the Parliament House at around 11am where it was carried by pallbearers from the Correctional Services.

The casket of one of PNG's founding fathers was draped with the PNG flag as it was received by the clerk of Parliament and escorted into the Parliament's grand hall.

The Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae, Prime Minister James Marape and few members of Parliament were present to farewell Sir Pita Lus.

The family of Late Sir Pita Lus was also present at the grand hall.

Late Sir Pita’s body arrives in Port Moresby

Acting Prime Minister Soroi Eoe received the casket and thanked Member for Maprik John Simon for accompanying the body and express his sympathy.

“This afternoon is a very sad moment for us, the people of Maprik and the sepik region and all over PNG.It is a sad occasion because Sir Pita is one of the founding fathers of this nation, adding iam so sad to receive this great man to Port Moresby.”