Kavieng Market

NIPG served petition following ethnic clash

The petition was served yesterday (Sept 5) morning after an ethnic clash between the Sepiks and Lavongais at the Kavieng Market on September 4th.

Strict regulation of betelnut supply at the Kavieng market, the implementation of Small Craft Act, the implantation of the Vagrancy Act and immediate eviction and repatriation of the Pawa-Wosera community topped the 11-point petition.

The demands were accompanied by resolutions.

NIP to enforce vagrancy act

Governor Sir Julius Chan made the comment after being briefed by the provincial police commander, Gideon Ikumu, about an ethnic clash between the Sepiks and Lavongais at the Kavieng Market on September 4th.

According to the report filed to police, the incident began when a number of Sepik women, who were after betelnut, jumped onto a moving boat coming in from Lavongai.