Human rights defender

SARV Cases Continue In Remote Areas

Last month on 12th of October, the 46-year-old was accused of using sorcery to kill a 30-year-old man, whose body was found in a river in Hewa in Waialima, Enga.

Local Human Rights Defender, Solo Yokopyao told Loop PNG that the 46-year-old was accused of being a Sanguma and taking his alleged victim’s heart and disposing of the body in a river.

Yokopyao said four young boys from the Waialima community attacked and beheaded the 46-year-old with an axe. The young perpetrators were said to be of ages 12, 15 and 16. 

Paga Hill leader to stage protest in Canberra

Allan Mogerema, human rights defender and Paga Hill community leader stated: “Today, I am making a stand in solidarity with both the rightful customary landowners of Paga Hill in Port Moresby, Gekone clan of Motu Koita (the Dirona family), and my Paga Hill community, against all types of land grabbing.

“The PNG and Australian governments and two Australian corporations are complicit in the human rights abuses inflicted on my community. Justice must be served!