Department of Defence

Defence Recruitment Structure Complete

According to Secretary Hari John Akipe, the 2020 Structure replaces the previous seven-year-old redundant structure. He says the 2020 Structure will allow the department to carry out its legal mandate effectively in the evolving security environment.

Defence re-establishes vital committee

The committee’s launch is part of Defence Secretary Hari John Akipe’s wider intent to strengthen Defence Committee Systems and ensure effective governance in the organization.

This intent and the committee are captured in the Department of Defence Corporate Plan 2020-2023 under the Defence Governance Framework.

At the launch, the committee co-chair and Deputy Secretary for the Department of Defence, Simon Tunapai, said the committee complies with the Planning Act, and would add value to the Defence Organisation.

Business as usual: Acting Defence Secretary

Meauri is the interim secretary to oversee the department after the announcement of the Commission of Inquiry by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill recently.

The COI will look into the controversy land purchase to relocate PNG Defence Force institutions out of Port Moresby.         

The announcement also resulted in the sidelining of the Defence Minister Fabian Pok and secretary Vali Asi.

Meauri said he will continue on where the former secretary had left.

He added that being visible to the command will be the approach he will be taking.