ALESCO payroll system

Gov’t payroll system upgrade progressing

Public Service Minister, Joe Sungi said Department of Personnel Management (DPM) has taken the necessary steps to address the payroll issues that has plagued the system over the years.  
“The version upgrade project by DPM is one of the corrective measures being undertaken by the Department to address issues on the current payroll system version 12 which has become obsolete and unsupported, requiring the upgrade to be undertaken immediately,” Minister Sungi said. 

Teaching without pay for 11 years

She was at a loss for words when the ALESCO payroll system was launched in Northern Province, signaling a better future for her and her family.

It was a day of celebration for the 1,188 teachers in Northern Province when the ALESCO payroll system was launched, followed by the delegation of 25 powers from the State to the Oro Provincial Education Division on the 19th of March.