Plans for new barracks

The issue of police accommodation has been an ongoing challenge for most commands around the country.

In the Western Province, land owners have come forward to allow for 2 hectors of land to be given to the police force to setup of a much needed police barracks.

The North Fly police commander, Joe Puri says that the set up pf the barracks will depend on the police department who will need to officially acquire the land and set up the barracks just on the outskirts of Kiunga.

The PPC spoke about the need for the barracks set up to help boost operations in the border province.

“We are anticipating new developments in the province and with the thriving resource industry there needs to be support as well in terms of police man power.

“We cannot guarantee this if there is a lack of police man power due to housing constraints in the province”.

He says that with the setup of the barracks this will help lift the capacity for police personnel to help deal with the issues identified in the province.

Meantime, the PPC says that the a new single quarters will also be placed up on a separate location that used to house the PPC’s official residence.

In total he says that the land of acquired can host at least up to 20 houses comfortably.

Julianna Waeda