Partnership forged to Prevent Indecent Online Material

PNG DataCo Limited and the Office of Censorship have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to enhance their relationship and build their technical and procedural capabilities to address cybercrime issues.

The MoA, will particularly focus on preventing the circulation of indecent online material within the country via DataCo's digital infrastructure, specifically the National Transmission Network (NTN).

As the operator of the digital infrastructure, DataCo has control and rights over key telecommunication digital infrastructure, including international cables and internet gateways for the passage and transit of information to PNG from outside of PNG and from the cyber world as well as within PNG.

This gives DataCo the technical capability to monitor and regulate internet access across the country and prevent the circulation of indecent material.

The MoA represents a collaborative effort by the Office of Censorship and DataCo to address policies and strategies related to the protection of moral and ethical values and censorship of information and materials which would otherwise be considered illegal, unsecure, unsafe or inconsistent with such.

The two organizations will work together to ensure the prevention of the spread of indecent online material, and to promote a safer and more secure digital and cyber environment in PNG.

DataCo CEO Paul Komboi, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating that the MOA represents a collaborative effort between the two organizations to ensure robust cybersecurity systems and measures for a safer and more secure digital and cyber environment in PNG.

He also mentioned that relevant approvals have been sought to proceed with the signing of the MoA, and DataCo is looking forward to working with the Office of Censorship to ensure the objectives of the partnership are met.

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