CCDA to receive JICA technical support

The Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) and Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed an agreement today for technical assistance to establish a National ‘Greenhouse Gas’ (GHG) Inventory System.

The investment is geared towards enhancing PNG’s capacity to develop a sustainable ‘Greenhouse Gas’ (GHG) Inventory System.

The funding will cover four years of technical support from JICA which will enable the CCDA to implement A GHG national inventory system which creates a structure of documenting the procedures and processes involved in creating GHG inventories and ensuring data, information, and assumptions are reported and archived.

This will assist the CCDA estimate the GHG emissions of the country through the different sectors of, Energy, Waste, Industrial Processes and Product Uses, Agriculture and Livestock. And Forestry and Land Use Change.

Under the Climate Change Management Act of 2015, Part IV calls for Measurement, Reporting, and Verification, while Part VII calls for Authority  to inspect and collect data from regulated sectors to conduct the National GHG Inventory and present the report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

CCDA Acting Managing Director, Ruel Yamuna, said this remains a challenge for CCDA to implement.

“With the four year project that the Japanese Government will provide through this arrangement, I am pleased and confident that we will effectively engage with all the stakeholders to measure and account for all GHGs that’s produced in the different sectors,

“One thing that the CCDA have been doing in the past is maintaining that stakeholder engagement and making sure that we build our capacity. And the JICA support will really bolster the staff that we have and improve our capacity as well,” said Yamuna.

The agreement is Phase 2 of a JICA Project Design Mission which took place between September and October in 2015.

In Phase 1, the JICA team in charge of setting up of the GHG Inventory database visited the CCDA for a week-long meeting from September  24 – 28, 2016 which resulted in an agreement on the project design and scope.

Today’s signing will see the project kick off in August and will roll out until 2021.

JICA’s Director Environmental Management Team 1, Ito Mimpei, said the inventory system was paramount to effectively mitigating the effects of GHG’s.

“The GHG Inventory is the foundation to understand the current status of GHG emission in each country. It can also be utilised to identify the key sectors for GHG emissions and it will also serve as a foundation for mitigation.

“So therefore it is our hope that the GHG Inventory’s development through our cooperation to the future need concrete mitigation actions in PNG. This important,” said.

Signing of the agreement by Mr Ito Mimpei, Mr Ruel Yamnua, and First Assistant Secretary Foreign Aid Services, Loia vaira.

Cedric Patjole