Laulu Primary school gets support

Laulu Primary School located in Ward 10 of Labuta LLG of Nawaeb District, received funding support and new solar kits recently.

The funding support of K5,000 was presented to school board members and will go towards the completion of a new classroom for the school.

Nawaeb MP Theo Pelgen and NDDA members were present at the school to officiate at the opening of a new teacher’s house funded through DSIP allocations.

“Laulu Lutheran Primary School is to be considered for Junior High School status and therefore its existing infrastructure must be looked at and funded to cater for the transition if it happens,” he said.

Pelgen said the solar lighting kit presented to Laulu Primary School is part of the bigger roll-out for all schools in Nawaeb to be kitted with solar lighting systems to enhance learning in schools.

The MP gave assurance that the school water supply amongst other infrastructure will be considered for funding support during this term of Government.

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