Inmates get Independence surprise

The Office of the Madang Province Governor, Ramsey Pariwa on Saturday, September 16th delivered a cow to the Beon Correctional facility for inmates and warders to celebrate the country’s 48th Independence anniversary.

Special Project Officer Francis Tavatuna on behalf of the Governor’s Office called on all that gathered to reflect on how PNG gained its independence, 48 years ago.

He said PNG can achieve change and development, and the onus was on everyone to contribute meaningfully in nation building.

Tavatuna encouraged people to change their mindsets and start to show change personally, within their families and through communities to foster a bigger change within the country.

He challenged those gathered to think of those who are unfortunate and are unable to share in the spirit of celebrations.

Those who are unfortunate in receiving basic education, healthcare and other key government services within the country.

“This is the time for us to be One Nation, One People, One Country. United we stand, divided we fall. God Bless Papua New Guinea,” stated Tavatuna.

The CS Officers and the inmates organized sporting games to mark the Independence anniversary.

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