North Bouganville

Pride and purpose in road projects for women

In partnership with the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Australia employs thousands of women on road projects through Community Works Agreements.

ABG boss: don’t compare B’ville to others

This is from the ABG Finance Minister and member for Motuna Huyona Tokonotui in Siwai, south Bougainville,  Albert Punghau.

As a member of the executive group in the Referendum workshop comprising of ministers, the finance minister said Bougainville will still maintain its uniqueness.

“I appeal to all my fellow honourable   members not to compare Bougainville with other countries who have encountered a situation similar to ours, do not especially, with weapons, do not compare Bougainville with the United States or Africa,” Mr  Punghau said.

Referendum is biggest issue for Bougainville: vice-president

A referendum workshop is being held for parliamentarians in Malasang Village on Buka, north Bougainville.

 ABG Vice President Patrick Nisira stressed the Importance to have equal participation by all members of parliament.

“Referendum is ours and we need to make it work through equal participation from young to old and from able to disabled persons,” Mr Nisira said.