Justice Derek Wood

From a reservist soldier to a judge

Seeing the faces of children glaring with anticipation as they saw for the first time a helicopter landing on their island in Kokopo, East New Britain Province, many suggested it was something new coming down from the sky. This was the first impression Justice Wood held of Papua New Guinea and keeps this close to his heart. 

Little did he know that he would come back to serve as a National and Supreme Court Judge in Papua New Guinea.

One more judge added to the bench

Justice Wood cited before the Acting Governor General Job Pomat the declaration of office, loyalty, and judicial declaration.

Chief Magistrate Mark Pupaka and Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika witnessed his swearing-in ceremony.

He served as a judge at the Supreme and National Court for the past three months before this.

Justice Wood acknowledged his appointment and said he has been working in PNG for the past 19 years.