job seekers

Towa takes initiative to help job seekers

It is indeed a struggle securing a job – any job, as long as it puts food on the table.

Year after year, institutions pour more fresh graduates into the pool of job seekers and the demand increases with the desperation to be the eligible one.

But what happens if you don’t succeed for a job in your field? You either settle for a job outside your field of expertise, you start up your own business or you give up altogether.

A young man from Kerowagi, Chimbu Province, has taken the responsibility on himself, to assist job seekers.

Can’t find a job? Try this simple advice

University graduation has come and gone and despite all the talk of it being the hottest job market in years for new graduates, you're still on the sidelines. You've sent out dozens of CVs and submitted countless applications. Still, nothing.

Panic sets in. You start to think all that study was for nothing.

With little real experience on your resume, what can you do to increase your odds of landing your dream position and to make yourself more attractive to employers?

Treat it like a job