Colombia referendum

Colombia referendum: Peace talks to be revived despite 'no' vote

The Farc leader, known as Timochenko, said he was prepared to review and "fix" the agreement, after many in the "no" camp said it was too lenient.

Talks between rebel leaders and government negotiators were due to take place in Cuba on Monday.

The deal was signed last week after nearly four years of negotiations.

It is not yet clear what can be done to save the deal. President Santos earlier said there was no "Plan B" for ending the conflict, which has killed about 260,000 people.

Colombia referendum: Voters reject Farc peace deal

The deal was signed last week by President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez after nearly four years of negotiations.

But it needed to be ratified by Colombians in order to come into force.

Addressing the nation, President Santos said he accepted the result but would continue working to achieve peace.

He said the current ceasefire remained in place and that he had ordered negotiators to travel to Cuba to consult Farc leaders on the next move.