Teachers concerned with transport for students

Teachers in NCD have raised concerns on how their students will be able to commute to school given the State of Emergency orders to strictly have 15 passengers on each public PMV buses.

They have requested NCD to provide the APEC buses to pick up students from the main bus stops.

They raised these queries during an NCD Teachers dialogue on Friday, May 1st 2020.

It was back to business this week with public servants back to work and city residents going about their daily routines. The State Controller had relaxed some of the restrictions starting this week. Buses were back on the road but are only carrying 15 passengers as per SOE directives.

However, teachers have raised serious questions as to how their students will be able to come to school on time if they were to get on public transport.  A majority of students in the city depend on the PMV’s for transportation.

“Now, current situation, PMV buses can only carry 15 passengers, if our students come with a mask, is it possible to allow more students in the public transport so they can reach the school on time”, queried Br. Antony Pancas, Principal of De La Salle Secondary School.

Under NCDC Response plan to the pandemic, the Commission is liaising with all its stakeholders in the city to find a best way forward for schools in the city.  NCDC had earlier promised the schools to provide the APEC buses to transport students back and forth from schools.

“In the last meeting we had with NCDC, we are still waiting for NCD to mark the bus stops for the students and teachers.  Until today, we are still waiting and we going to have classes on Monday. Can we see that transport mark out at the bus stops can be done before Monday because we were promised that NCDC buses will pick our teachers and students. ” said Moses Modakewau, Head Teacher of Waigani Primary School.

NCD Governor, Powes Parkop, says schools in NCD are a national function, however the Commission will help in any way possible to address these issues.

Jemimah Sukbat